The well module, abbreviated as WEL, simulates volumetric rate discharge from
a cell. The only input is the column, row, layer and rate
of discharge in L3/T with units consistent to the other parameters
entered in the model. A NEGATIVE rate indicates WITHDRAWAL
and will result in drawdown. If your model indicates drawup, you probably forgot
to include the negative sign in the well package.
Add Pumping to the Model with the Well (WEL) package and Simulate
Steady State Conditions with Pumping
1. In the equivalent directory that you are working in
for the class problem, create directory C:\TEMP\YOURNAME\MODFLOW\exer\ex5
2. Copy my ex5_after_tutorial.gwv
file there or move yours from gwvtut
3. Open GWV
4. Set the
path to the working
directory from Models>PathsToModels
at the bottom of the window that appears set the working directory to your version
of C:\temp\yourname\modflow\exer\ex5
Add a well package to this model as unit 12, write budget terms to unit
Create the WEL file
8. Click the Calculator button
A > select the add a Well button
on row 9, column 10
you used this option you will see a dot on the screen representing the well
9. Evaluate
the results
This step can cause problems because sometimes you think you are not getting
the answer you expect but it is because you are looking at the wrong output
files. This is the place to check that.
Does this make sense? If not, are some of the terms you
expect to see missing? How is the mass balance? If you find problems, go to
MODFLOW> Packages and check that the proper packages are included and the
budget terms for each are being written to the budget file. If some of the
items are missing, add them, create the files again, and rerun MODFLOW, then
import the results with the flow terms checked. If you still have problems,
write to me.
10. Explore all aspects of this model
GO "BACK" to continue the transient exercise