EXERCISE 6: Execute a Transient
Model of the Pumping
1. Copy ex5.gwv to exer\ex6\ex6.gwv
- assign a root name of extr6
- save files and save project as C:\temp\modflow\exer\ex6\ex6.gwv
- be sure to correct the path to files and
the name of the output files when you import results
2. Modify the BAS
file: (initial heads, stress periods & timesteps need to be defined)
- At first, we will use 1 stress period
of 10 days with 20 steps increasing at a factor of 1.1
- Note on page 4-12 of
the MODFLOW manual or page 17 of the MODFLOW96 manual, an equation is
given relating the size of the first step to the period length, the number
of steps and the multiplier
- Model>MODFLOW>Basic Package
- turn off steady state
- check time unit is seconds
- Model>MODFLOW>StressPeriodSetup
- period 1= 864,000 seconds, 20
steps, multiplier 1.1
- What is the size of your
first time step? answer
- Model>MODFLOW>Initial Heads
- Choose to read binary heads directly
from the binary file
- We would like to insert
path to ex4b.shd, but that binary file was not created with GWV, so instead
make another copy of the ex5 problem in the ex5 directory (you can do this
in GWV by opening ex5.gwv changing
Modflow>Packages root file names as ex5start,
and saving it as ex5start, note you can have a number of gwv models open
at once), but save this one as c:\temp\modflow\exer\ex5\ex5start.gwv
with root file name of exstart5, then remove
the well in both layers 1 and 3 and run the steady state
without pumping to create the initial heads
- returning to GWV ex6, insert ex5start.hds as
starting heads
3. Modify
the Storage Parameters / BCF file: add S1 & S3, for layers 1 and 3 as S1 = 1.3x10-3/50m
and S3 = 2x10-4/50m; give S2 for layer 2 an extremely low storage as it was not
consider at all in the initial model, say S2 = 1x10-12
- Remember you need to be in property mode,
set values in the data base, add color as desired, then set zone numbers
My first run after doing this failed. I searched text files
and finally determined the dis file still hels SS instead of TR on each stress
period definition. I was able to continue by editing the file before running
the code. Then I found the option Model>>MODFLOW2000>>StressPeriodTypes
and set them all to transient which fixed the problem. You should do this step
4. Packages that represent
other stresses need not be changed because we still have only one stress period
5. Modify the Output Control
- Model>MODFLOW>Output Control
- Arrange to save for all time steps
- Print as much as possible to the output
file for checking purposes
- Models>MODFLOW>OutputControl
- uncheck the Disable printing box
- Models>MODFLOW>PrintFormats
- print all relevant items for your problem
6. Execute MODFLOW
- Create MODFLOW files
- View the new dis, bas, lpf, and oc files in a
text editor
- Execute MODFLOW and View results,
perusing the MODFLOW output file, looking for conditions that you do not expect
- As necessary, make corrections until you have
a functional model
- NOTICE the heads, drawdowns,
flow rates and changes in flow rates due to the pumping as a function of time
- NOTICE that near the end of the Plot menu there
is an option for importing results
- Import results for the first
time step and make a profile along row 9
- Repeat for the 20th time step
- Compare the profiles with each
other and with the pre-pumping and the steady state pumping conditions
- Initial
time step (0.17 days):
20th time step
(10 days):
Steady state pumping:
GO "BACK" to continue the transient exercise