EXERCISE 7b: Execute
a Transient Model of the Pumping with Variable Recharge Look
at the Model Mass Balances and Head Profiles along row 9 at the end of each
stress period:
Start at the end of a "wet" period, the end
of June
Define 4 stress periods:
1. Save ex7a in a directory ex7b as ex7b.gwv
use a root file name of extr7b
2. Specify stress periods
3. Set output controls
4. Edit properties
Notice that you need to uncheck steady state and select Transient
Data to input stress period 1 to1, -3; 2 to 3, 0; and 4 to 4 -3
Also: Peruse the MODFLOW output file, looking for conditions that you do not
Stress Period 1: Notice the extreme drawdown after 4 months of pumping during the dry period
Period 2: Notice
that once the pumping stops, the river recharges the system
may bring to mind the issue of how much water is being withdrawn from the river?
We do not know the flow rate of the river but we may find that there is not
enough water available to support the river seepage calculated by the model.
we found that there was sufficient river discharge to supply this volume of
water what might we propose?answer
Stress Period 3: Notice, after the wet season the basin is nearly fully recovered
Stress Period 4: The second pumping cycle yields nearly similar conditions as the first indicating a cyclic (albeit physically impossible) equilibrium has been reached for the new recharge/pumping cycle
6.Consider the significance of these results