- Modified Method of Characteristics is the same as MOC
except it solves the advection term with a set of backward moving "packets",
thus reducing computational effort. It proceeds as follows:
2. packets are tracked backward using
velocities based on head differences, K's and a small time step
3. concentration at the back-tracked
position is the intermediate concentration due to advection for the time step.
4. the weighted concentration is used to solve the second
term (Eulerian portion)
5. the new concentration for cell m
at time n+1 is as determined in step 6 of the MOC method as follows:
the concentration of each packet (l) is then updated, and depending on
whether the concentration is increasing or decreasing, it is done differently
if the delta C due to dispersion is positive:
if the delta C due to dispersion is negative, to prevent negative
If no packets exist in a cell, the cell is assigned the concentration
of the previous time step
6. repeat from step
1 until end of time period
MMOC is free of overshoot/undershoot if implemented with low order interpolation
scheme (e.g.linear)