Rather than placing many packets in every cell, MT3D
can be directed to allocate packets dynamically so they are placed where they
are needed to represent contaminant and not where the concentration is zero
(or very low).
The # of packets is set at a high or low level
according to the relative cell concentration gradient DCCELL which indicates the
"sharpness" of the plume front near each cell
As particles leave source cells more
packets need to be added
As particles accumulate at sink cells
packets need to be removed
At other cells, packets need to be added or deleted
as the concentration gradient changes, particularly more packets are required
at the front of the plume
CMAXi,j,k - maximum concentration
near the cell
The modeler defines a HIGH
(NPH, # packets high) and LOW (NPL,
# packets low) number of packets to
be used (the low could be zero)
The modeler also defines a critical value
of DCCELL called DCEPS at which the high or low number of
cells will be allocated.
A dynamic insertion-deletion procedure
is undertaken by defining the minimum NPMIN
and maximum NPMAX number of packets allowed per
When the # of packets in a cell is less than NPMIN new packets equal to NPL
or NPH are added
Existing packets are not changed
When the # of packets in a cell is greater than NPMAX
all packets are removed from the cell and replaced by a new set of NPH packets
, maintaining mass balance in the cell
The packet distribution ends up changing, for example
as shown below:
A fixed or random distribution of
packets in a cell can be selected. A fixed distribution works better in uniform
flow fields and a random distribution works better in heterogeneous media
Packets are assigned the concentration of the cell
in which they are added
Recall that HMOC switching from MOC to MMOC is
also dependent on DCCELL.
The concentration is then the weighted average of the
packet concentrations
source cell packets will converge on the node so Cn*
tends toward Cn