Dear user, The easiest way to get the software is to transfer the LPSystemsPartialDifferenceEquationsV2.7z to your computer and unzip the files with WinZip or 7zip. This will create a directory LPSystemsPartialDifferenceEquations with subdirectory sampleLattices. Alternatively, you can transfer the files LPSystemsPartialDifferenceEquations.m and LPSystemsPartialDifferenceEquations.nb to any directory on your computer. Next, under the chosen directory, create the subdirectory sampleLattices and put our sample data files in that subdirectory. Finally, adjust the directory names per instructions given in the notebook file LPSystemsPartialDifferenceEquations.nb so that Mathematica knows were to find everything. Please report any problems to Willy Hereman: Thank you for using our software, Willy Hereman and Terry Bridgman December 24, 2017