"/*********************************************************/" "/* WELCOME TO THE MATHEMATICA PROGRAM HIROTA.M */" "/* BY WILLY HEREMAN AND WUNING ZHUANG */" "/* FOR THE CALCULATION OF SOLITONS */" "/* OF THE ""Kadomtsev-Petviashvili"" EQUATION */" "/* WITH HIROTA'S METHOD */" "/* Version 1.0 firts released on May 29, 1995 */" "/* Last updated on January 25, 2007 */" "/* Copyright 1995-2007 */" "/*********************************************************/" "The equation in f corresponding to the given bilinear operator is " 3*Derivative[0, 1, 0, 0][f][x, y, z, t]^2 - 3*f[x, y, z, t]*Derivative[0, 2, 0, 0][f][x, y, z, t] + Derivative[0, 0, 0, 1][f][x, y, z, t]* Derivative[1, 0, 0, 0][f][x, y, z, t] - f[x, y, z, t]*Derivative[1, 0, 0, 1][f][x, y, z, t] - 3*Derivative[2, 0, 0, 0][f][x, y, z, t]^2 + 4*Derivative[1, 0, 0, 0][f][x, y, z, t]* Derivative[3, 0, 0, 0][f][x, y, z, t] - f[x, y, z, t]*Derivative[4, 0, 0, 0][f][x, y, z, t]" = 0" "For this equation the polynomial P(K,-OMEGA,L)= "K^4 + 3*L^2 - K*OMEGA "The equation has at least a one- and two-soliton solution." "For the ""Kadomtsev-Petviashvili"" equation, " "we use the dispersion relation: " " OMEGA[I] = "(K[I]^4 + 3*L[I]^2)/K[I] "In the Expansion of f we use THETA = K X - OMEGA T + L Y + CST." "Starting the random test(s) for the existence of a " 3" soliton solution." "Wavenumbers K[I] selected for the random number test(s): " "for this test K["1"] = "18 "for this test K["2"] = "11 "for this test K["3"] = "14 "Wavenumbers L[I] selected for the random number test(s): " "for this test L["1"] = "13 "for this test L["2"] = "18 "for this test L["3"] = "7 "The equation passed the random number test(s) for the existence" "of a "3" soliton solution." "Starting the random test(s) for the existence of a " 3" soliton solution." "Wavenumbers K[I] selected for the random number test(s): " "for this test K["1"] = "3 "for this test K["2"] = "9 "for this test K["3"] = "17 "Wavenumbers L[I] selected for the random number test(s): " "for this test L["1"] = "19 "for this test L["2"] = "16 "for this test L["3"] = "10 "The equation passed the random number test(s) for the existence" "of a "3" soliton solution." "Starting the symbolic test for the existence of a " 3" soliton solution." "The equation passed the symbolic test for the existence" "of a "3" soliton solution." "Starting the random test(s) for the existence of a " 4" soliton solution." "Wavenumbers K[I] selected for the random number test(s): " "for this test K["1"] = "7 "for this test K["2"] = "4 "for this test K["3"] = "17 "for this test K["4"] = "2 "Wavenumbers L[I] selected for the random number test(s): " "for this test L["1"] = "17 "for this test L["2"] = "3 "for this test L["3"] = "7 "for this test L["4"] = "20 "The equation passed the random number test(s) for the existence" "of a "4" soliton solution." "Starting the random test(s) for the existence of a " 4" soliton solution." "Wavenumbers K[I] selected for the random number test(s): " "for this test K["1"] = "15 "for this test K["2"] = "19 "for this test K["3"] = "2 "for this test K["4"] = "7 "Wavenumbers L[I] selected for the random number test(s): " "for this test L["1"] = "13 "for this test L["2"] = "9 "for this test L["3"] = "4 "for this test L["4"] = "18 "The equation passed the random number test(s) for the existence" "of a "4" soliton solution." "Starting the construction of the three-soliton solution." "The coefficient a[I,J] is calculated via the polynomial form." "The polynomial is P[K,-OMEGA,L] = "K^4 + 3*L^2 - K*OMEGA "The coefficient a[I,J] = "((K[I]^2*K[J] - K[I]*K[J]^2 + K[J]*L[I] - K[I]*L[J])*(K[I]^2*K[J] - K[I]*K[J]^2 - K[J]*L[I] + K[I]*L[J]))/ ((K[I]^2*K[J] + K[I]*K[J]^2 + K[J]*L[I] - K[I]*L[J])* (K[I]^2*K[J] + K[I]*K[J]^2 - K[J]*L[I] + K[I]*L[J])) "The coefficient b[1,2,3] is calculated via the polynomial form." "The coefficient b[1,2,3] = "((K[1]^2*K[2] - K[1]*K[2]^2 + K[2]*L[1] - K[1]*L[2])*(K[1]^2*K[2] - K[1]*K[2]^2 - K[2]*L[1] + K[1]*L[2])* (K[1]^2*K[3] - K[1]*K[3]^2 + K[3]*L[1] - K[1]*L[3])* (K[1]^2*K[3] - K[1]*K[3]^2 - K[3]*L[1] + K[1]*L[3])* (K[2]^2*K[3] - K[2]*K[3]^2 + K[3]*L[2] - K[2]*L[3])* (K[2]^2*K[3] - K[2]*K[3]^2 - K[3]*L[2] + K[2]*L[3]))/ ((K[1]^2*K[2] + K[1]*K[2]^2 + K[2]*L[1] - K[1]*L[2])* (K[1]^2*K[2] + K[1]*K[2]^2 - K[2]*L[1] + K[1]*L[2])* (K[1]^2*K[3] + K[1]*K[3]^2 + K[3]*L[1] - K[1]*L[3])* (K[1]^2*K[3] + K[1]*K[3]^2 - K[3]*L[1] + K[1]*L[3])* (K[2]^2*K[3] + K[2]*K[3]^2 + K[3]*L[2] - K[2]*L[3])* (K[2]^2*K[3] + K[2]*K[3]^2 - K[3]*L[2] + K[2]*L[3])) "The function f = "1 + E^THETA[1] + E^THETA[2] + E^THETA[3] + E^(THETA[1] + THETA[2])*a[1, 2] + E^(THETA[1] + THETA[3])*a[1, 3] + E^(THETA[2] + THETA[3])*a[2, 3] + E^(THETA[1] + THETA[2] + THETA[3])*b[1, 2, 3] "At the end of the computations the form of the function f" "and the coefficients a[i,j] and b[1,2,3] are explicitly available." "The explicit forms of OMEGA[i] and THETA[i] are also available." "The Explicit form of f can be obtained by typing EXPRF."