Ole Miss and Auburn Advance Radar Power Technology

May 18, 2001

On 23 April 2001 at Oxford, MS, the University of Mississippi and Auburn University performed the first of a series of tests in which solid state radar transmit / receive (T/R) modules were powered by a fuel cell. These initial tests proved the feasibility of driving solid-state radar T/R modules with fuel cells. These tests are a major milestone in the development of lightweight, compact, high efficiency power for radars in the Radar Power Technology (RPT) Program. The RPT program is a university advanced technology research program that is managed by the US Army Strategic Missile Defense Command in Huntsville, AL, and includes the University of Mississippi, Mississippi State University, and Auburn University. The University of Mississippi RPT Radar Analysis Group includes Drs. Atef Z. Elsherbeni, Allen W. Glisson, Ahmed A. Kishk, and Charles E. Smith, along with Mr. Brian McDaniel of Radiance Technologies, Inc.

As shown in the photographs above, a small, low power, air cooled fuel cell built by H-Power Corp. and furnished by Auburn University was used to directly power two solid state T/R modules developed by Raytheon Co. at full power for an extended time. The solid-state modules and the fuel cell were controlled by software and hardware developed by the University of Mississippi for the RPT program. The fuel cell in this test was comparable in size, power, and operating temperature with the solid state T/R modules. These tests provide the first step by the RPT team in developing and demonstrating compact, high efficiency power sources and power distribution systems for lightweight, high mobility radars of the future.