Professors at PIERS 2001

August 13, 2001

Dr. Allen W. Glisson, Professor of Electrical Engineering, was recently invited to contribute a paper for a special session of the Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, PIERS 2001, that was held in Osaka, Japan on July 18-22, 2001. The PIERS symposium provides an international forum for reporting the latest progress and advances in the modern development of electromagnetic theory and its new and exciting applications, and it is sponsored by the Electromagnetics Academy. Many different areas of electromagnetics are the driving technologies for most of the recent advancements in RF and wireless communication. Dr Glisson's papter, "Formulation of Single Surface Integral Equations via the Equivalence Principle for Scattering for Dielectric Bodies," is related to the analysis and design of a class of low loss dielectric antennas made from small ceramic disks, bars, and other shapes that are of great interest to industry and government groups for use in antennas.

Dr. Atef Z. Elsherbeni, Professor of Electrical Engineering, also attended PIERS 2001 and presented a paper "Multi - Term Debye Modeling of Dispersive Media for the Scattered Field FDTD Formulation". This paper presents a technique based on the finite-different-time-domain (FDTD) for simulating the interaction of electromagnetic wave for biological tissues related to medical applications using radio frequency signals. Dr. Elsherbeni also chaired a technical session entitled, "Time-Domain Electromagnetics".