Those attending from Ole Miss were Dean Kai-Fong Lee, and Drs. Atef Z. Elsherbeni, Allen W. Glisson, Ahmed A. Kishk, and Alexander B. Yakovlev. A total of 11 authored and co-authored papers by faculty and graduate students where presented in the AP-S/URSI Conference, as given in the following list:
A.B. Yakovlev, M.V. Lukic, A.Z. Elsherbeni, C.E. Smith, and M.B. Steer, "Broadband Printed Antenna for Waveguide-Based Spatial Power Combiners."
P.L. Chin, A.Z. Elsherbeni, and C.E. Smith, "Characteristics of Coplanar Bow-Tie Patch Antenna."
G. Zheng, A.Z. Elsherbeni, and C.E. Smith, "A Coplanar Waveguide Bow-Tie Aperture Antenna."
A.Z. Elsherbeni, A.A. Eldek, B.N. Baker, C.E. Smith, and K-F. Lee, "Wideband Coplanar Patch-Slot Antennas for Radar Applications."
A.A. Kishk, "Tetrahedron and Triangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Wideband Performance."
A.A. Kishk, A.W Glisson, and X. Zhang, "Analysis of Dielectric Resonator Antennas Exited by a Coaxial Probe with Wideband Performance."
A.W. Glisson, S.M. Rao, and D.R. Wilton, "Physically-Based Approximation of Electromagnetic Field Quantities,"
C.M. Allen, A.Z. Elsherbeni, C.E. Smith, and C-W P. Huang, "Dual Tapered Meander Slot Antenna for Radar Applications."
A.A. Kishk, "Overview of Experimental and Numerical Reducing Blockage From Cylinders."
B. Deboo, K-F Lee, and R. Chair, "Stacked Patch Antenna with Shorting Pins."
G. Hanson and A.B.Yakovlev, "Analytical and Numerical Aspects of Regularization Techniques for Printed Transmission Lines."
In addition, Dr Elsherbeni chaired a technical session on "Bandwidth Enhancement and Minimization For Antennas," Dr. Kishk co-chaired a session on "Compact Reduced Size Antennas," Drs. Glisson and Kishk chaired a session on "Novel Numerical Techniques," and Dr. Yakovlev co-chaired a session on "Ray Methods for Urban and Indoor Propagation Modeling."
One of the major highlights of the conference was the Awards Banquet and Reception--Ranch Roundup held on Wednesday night. This unusual banquet venue featured a chuckwagon supper and cowboy show. Faculty had the opportunity to see real longhorn cattle and participate in events that include armadillo races, line dancing, and a rodeo. Dean Kai-Fong Lee and, Ole Miss Graduate, Dr. Edward K-N Yung (BSEE '73, MS '74, Ph.D. '77) of the City University of Hong Kong, are shown in the accompanying photo getting ready to mingle with the cows and participate in some of cowboy 'events'.