Electromagnetic Fields Inside Waveguides and Cavities

Written by: A. Z. Elsherbeni and C. D. Taylor, Jr.

The waveguide and cavity program WGC has been developed to provide interactive procedure for visualizing the electromagnetic fields inside cylindrical waveguides and cavities using a personal computer. It is an upgrade of the software WGVMAP which computes and displays the field lines inside waveguides in a plane transverse to the propagating wave. In WGC, both transverse and longitudinal field components are presented graphically, using colors and vectors instead of field lines. The field vector representation is based on the technique presented in [2]. With WGC the user can observe the effect of changing any of the physical or electrical parameters on the resulting electric and magnetic field distribution in any specified plane cut. Additionally, WGC can be used to create movie segments or animation of the field patterns inside cavities and waveguides using an appropriate sequencing of computed field values. The mathematical expressions of the field components are derived from the classical solution of the wave equation using the separation of variables technique. The executable code of the software is available for the IBM-PC computer family, or compatible. A VGA monitor, mouse, and postscript printer are required.

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Here are a few screen shots of this software package: