Spring Semester 1998

1998 Catalog Data: ELE 367, 368: Computer-Aided Design in Electrical Engineering I, II. Credit 2,2. Computed-Aided design and analytical procedures in electrical engineering. Corequisites: EL E 351, ENGR 361, 310.

Textbook:   None

Reference:  D. C. Dorf, Introduction to Electric Circuits Third Edition, John Wiley, 1996, P. W. Tuinenqa, SPICE, Prentice-Hall, 1995, and Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Seventh Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1993.

Coordinator: Dr. Charles E. Smith, Chair and Professor of Electrical Engineering and Dr. Ahmed A. Kishk, Professor of Electrical Engineering.

Goals: The objective of the course sequence is to provide the junior EE student with practice in analytical and computer-aided design procedures for electrical engineering. The particular objective of this course is to enhance the development of the student in the use of the general-purpose digital computers and the use of CAD programs in the solution of basic circuits for analysis and design, and the use of currently available engineering support software in the School of Engineering Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) Laboratory.

Prerequisites by Topic:

  1. FORTRAN Programming (CSCI 251)
  2. Circuit Theory (ENGR 360)
  3. Differential Equations (MATH 353)

Corequisites by Topic:

  1. Models and Circuits Theory (EL E 351)
  2. Basic Circuit Practices (ENGR 361)

Topics: Several learning or development processes take place simultaneously in EL E 367. These are:

  1. Learning to use the University computing system (UNIX) and PC workstations (DOS, Win 3.11, and Win 95)
  2. Development of previously learned skills in FORTRAN programming
  3. Learning to apply elementary numerical analysis techniques to basic circuits
  4. Learning to utilize selected programs and library subroutines for basic circuit analysis and design
  5. Development of analytical skills relative to design and analyze basic circuits
  6. Development of a series of utility programs to be used for CAD throughout all major EE courses
  7. Development of the use of personal computer Windows programs based on Microsoft Developer Software
  8. Use of probability and statistics in practical electronic design problems

Topics covered will be:

  1. Introduction to University computing system and Window based PC's
  2. FORTRAN review
  3. Computer-aided design
  4. Introduction to higher level languages
  5. Introduction to Microsoft Developer Software

Computer Usage: Programs are assigned to the student as homework in the following areas:

  1. Computer graphics: function plots using AXUM for Windows graphics subroutine and programs
  2. Programming practice: resistive circuit design and analysis: use of MicroSim Schematics Capture and PSPICE/PROBE for circuit analysis
  3. Use of Visual BASIC to create electronic design applications for Microsoft Windows
  4. Transient analysis and numerical solution of first order DE: use of MicroSim Design Lab for time domain solutions and compare with analytic solutions (Euler and Runge-Kutta methods)
  5. Report preparation and presentation: wordprocessing with Microsoft Office and creation of WEB page using Microsoft FrontPage
  6. Numerical integration: computation of average and RMS electrical values using rectangular, trapezoidal, and Simpson's rule
  7. Complex arithmetic with Fortran: analysis subroutine for frequency domain analysis and design
  8. Use of MicroSim Design Lab circuit analysis subroutine for frequency domain analysis and design
  9. Gain Computation: computer plots and graphics for frequency domain design and analysis using MicroSim Design Lab
  10. Numerical analysis of polynomials: transfer functions, use of subroutine POLRT, and Newton-Raphson method to determine roots of equations
  11. Design for printed Circuit Layout using AutoCAD and PCBOARDS
  12. Monte Carlo (statistical) analysis in circuit design using MicroSim Design LAB software

In addition to the design project, available time during weekly meetings will be utilized for films, discussions, and demonstrations of semiconductor and microcircuit technology and computer aided design and manufacturing techniques.

Estimated ABET Category Content: Engineering Design: 1.5 credit or 75%

Engineering Science: 0.5 credit or 25%

Prepared by: Dr. Charles E. Smith Date: July 16, 1998