ELE 443 - Network Analysis and Synthesis

1992 Catalog Data: ELE 443. NETWORK ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS. Properties of network functions, synthesis of passive and active RC networks. Prerequisite: 351, ENGR 310, 360, 410. (3).

Textbook: Analog Filter Design by M. E. Van Valkenburg, Holt, Rhinehart & Winston, 1982

References: Linear Network Theory by Norman Balabanian and Theodore Bickart, Matrix Publishers, 1981, and Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits by Sergio Franco, McGraw-Hill, 1988

Coordinator: Dr. Darko Kajfez, Professor of Electrical Engineering

Goals: Introducing the students to the advanced techniques of analysis and synthesis of passive and active filters.

Prerequisites by Topic: 1. Basic Electric Circuits (ENGR 360)

2. Basic Electronics and Mathematics (ELE 251, 352)

3. Engineering Analysis (ENGR 310)

4. Computer-Aided Design (ELE 367, 368)

Topics: 1. The Laplace Transform (1 class)

2. Basic Components:

The resistor, capacitor, and inductor (1 class); The transformer (ideal, perfect, undercoupled) (1 class); The Controlled sources and the operational amplifier (Op-Amp) (2 classes); The Gyrator (1 class); Voltage and current general impedance converters and the frequency-dependent negative resistor (2 classes); The current negative impedance converter (1 class)

3. Simulation of inductors and transformers (2 classes)

4. Phase shifters (1 class)

5. Types of filters and filters' basic parameters (1 class)

6. The design parameters Q and ??? (1 class)

7. The design of two Op-Amp biquad second order filters (1 class)

8. The design of four Op-Amp biquad second order filters (1 class)

9. Obtaining the transfer function from the magnitude response (1 class)

10. The approximation problem (1 class)

11. Frequency and magnitude scaling (1 class)

12. Transfer function sytnesis (= design) by Butterworth and Chebyshev approximations (5 classes)

13. Design of high order low pass, high pass, and bandpass, Butterworth and Chebyshev filters (11 classes); frequency and CR-RC transformations (2 classes); design of the Sallen-Key and Delyiannis-Friend circuits (2 classes)

14. Sensitivity Analysis (3 classes)

Computer Usage: Each student must write and execute two computer programs in a high-level language (Basic, Fortran, ..) to determine the design parameters for the quadratic factors of the Butterworth and Chebyshev low pass transfer functions. Some of the design assignements require that students verify their results by using the program PSPICE.

Estimated ABET Category Content: Engineering Science: 1 credit or 33%

Engineering Design: 2 credits or 67%

Prepared by: Dr. Darko Kajfez