Spring Semester 1998

1. Withdrawals

The University policy regarding withdrawals will be strictly observed. Students are encouraged to withdraw in time.

2. Class Attendance

Class attendance is encouraged. If you miss a class you are responsible for all information (technical or otherwise) presented in class. Do not expect the instructor to repeat this material in his office for each individual who missed the class.

3. Homework (Computer Assignments)

Homework should be neat and orderly. Each circuit equation is meaningful only if it is associated with a given circuit diagram. Individual currents and voltages must be clearly indicated in the diagram.

Students may work together on homework, but should not copy. Copying homework is a violation of the HONOR CODE of the School of Engineering and as such will be referred to the HONOR COUNCIL.

Late homework will be accepted within one week after the deadline, with 25 % penalty.

4. Missed Test

There will be NO makeup test given for any reason. You will have at least 5 drop out test grades.

If for a good reason you will be missing more than 4 tests, discuss this matter with the instructor.

5. Grading

a) Final Grade - Final grades will be assigned according to the following schedule:

A - 90 or above , B - 80 to 90 , C - 65 to 80 , D - 50 to 65 , F - less than 50

b) In Class Exams - 55% of final grade

There will be at least 15 exams during the semester. Each exam will take 20 to 40 minutes. In class exams average is based on the best grades of the total number of exams - 5 .

c) Homework (Computer Assignments) - 10% of final grade

The homework grade is based on the computer assignments (at least 2). Assigned homework problems will not be graded or considered as part of this 10%. Solutions to the assigned homework problems will be discussed in the next class only, if requested.

d) Basis for Final Course Grade

Computer Assignments 10% - In Class Exams 55% - Final Exam 35%