Circuit elements and instruments; experiments
dealing with series and two-port networks,
voltage, current, power, vars. Prerequisite: 360.
Textbook: C. E. Smith, Ed., Electric Circuits Laboratory
Manual, Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677,
197 pages, January 1992
References: Electrical Circuits with Introduction to Spice, by
Nilsson, Addison-Wesley, and Electric Circuits
(Schaum's Outline Series) by J.A. Edminister, Mc-Graw-Hill
Engineering Circuit Analysis (Fourth Edition) by
W.H. Hayt, Jr. and J.E. Kemmerly, McGraw-Hill
Coordinator: Dr. Charles E. Smith, Professor and Chair of
Electrical Engineering
Goals: The objective of this course is to familiarize the
engineering students with the fundamentals of
electric circuit theory and instrumentation through
experimentation. Formal laboratory reports are
required to develop written communication skills.
Safety in the laboratory is covered as appropriate.
Prerequisites by Topic:
1. Basic Electric Circuits or equivalent (ENGR 360)
- 2. Differential Equations or equivalent (MATH 353)
- 3. Electrical Physics or equivalent (PHYS 212)
- 4. Use of matrices and determinants in the solution of
simultaneous algebraic equations (Cramer's Rule)
- 5. Use of the University computer in CMS time
sharing mode and ability to compose FORTRAN
arithmetic programs and "calling" programs.
Topics: the following laboratory experiments are performed:
- 1. Introduction to electric circuit experimentation:
definition, units, devices, safety procedures, laboratory notebook requirements, and schedule (1 class)
- 2. DC measurements; fabrication of DC voltmeter (1
- 3. Network analysis and measurement techniques;
loop, nodal, superposition, Thevenin, Norton, and
computer analysis (1 class)
- 4. Measurement of resistance of elements (1 class)
- 5. Characteristics of nonlinear circuit elements and
analysis of circuits containing such elements (1
- 6. Theory of operation of the oscilloscope; basic
measurements using oscilloscope (2 classes)
- 7. AC measurements; fabrication of AC voltmeter;
phasor analysis of RLC circuits (1 class)
- 8. Frequency response of resonant circuits (2 classes)
- 9. Magnetically-coupled circuits (transformers);
measurement of mutual and self-inductance;
determination of polarity and turns ratio (1 class)
- 10. Two-port networks; network parameters and
equivalent circuits (1 class)
- 11. Transients in RL, RC, and RLC Circuits (1 class)
Major items of equipment used:
- 1. Tektronix Model 2225 Oscilloscope
- 2. Tektronix Model CFG250 Function Generator
- 3. Hewlett Packard Model 200 Signal Generator
- 4. Simpson Model 260 Multimeter
- 5. Fluke Model 37 Digital Multimeter
- 6. Hewlett Packard Power Supplies, Model 721A and 6212B
- 7. General Radio Model 1650A Impedance Bridge
- 8. Tektronix Model CFG250 Counter
Computer Usage:
- 1. One experiment assignment related to resistive
circuits, using stored subroutines and programs
with time sharing (CMS) system on IBM 3084
- 2. Each student must write and execute program
calling circuit analysis and plotting subroutines to
generate input and output.
Estimated ABET Category Content: Engineering Science: 1 credit or 100%
Prepared by: Drs. C. E. Smith and A. Z. Elsherbeni