EENG 383

Button Arrays
Today we will construct an interesting circuit that allows you to do a lot with a little. A general problem when working with MCUs is the limited number of I/O pins. All is not lost however. If you are willing to trade off some time, you can arrange several push buttons on a single MCU pin. This seemingly miraculous accomplishment is realized using the following schematic.

To understand how this circuit works lets look at it in three different ways.

High Level

At its highest level this is a circuit with three inputs (button) which are connected to a single MCU pin. The MCU will run a program which will allow it to know which of the three buttons has been pushed. If more than one button is pressed, then the button with the lowest index (closest to the MCU pin) will be identified.

Mid Level

This circuit operates in two modes; charging and discharging. While charging the node labeled "MCU pin" must be configured as an output. While configured as an output, this pin supplied 3.3v to the positive side of capacitor C1 charging it. After the cap is charged "MCU pin" is configured as an input. At this time the charge on C1 will move to ground through whatever resistor stands in its way. The more resistance that stands in its way, the longer it will take to discharge C1. Measuring the amount of time that it takes "MCU pin" to go from logic 1 to 0 indirectly tells you the total resistance and consequently the button which is pressed.


The circuit operates by successively charging and discharging the node labeled "MCU pin". When in charging mode MCU pin will be an output at logic 1 causing cap C1 to carry a 3.3v charge. When the node labeled "MCU pin" is switched to input mode the positive end of the cap will discharge to ground through any intervening resistance. Lets look at the case of what happen when the cap discharges and the button S2 is being held.

Button S2 is pressed. The charge on the cap will go to ground through the series combination of the 2, 1000 ohm resistors. This series pair has an effective resistance of 2000 ohms. Hence the time constant of the voltage decay is RC = (2000)(47nF) = 94uS

Give the discharge voltage of an RC circuit is V(t) = Vo*e^(-t/RC) What is the time required for the voltage to drop from 3.3v to 1.0v when the first, second, or third button is pressed?
	1.0 = 3.3e^(-t/x)
	1/3.3 = e^(-tx)
	3.3 = e^(t/x)
	1.19 = t/x
	t=1.19 x

First		Second		Third
RC = 47uS	RC=94uS		RC=141uS
t=1.19(47uS)	t=1.19(94uS)	t=1.19(141uS)
t=56uS		t=112uS		t=168uS

MCU considerations

At this point its appropriate to consider which of the MCU pins to utilize. Using a general purpose I/O pin would be be straight forward, but the deviation in the threshold voltages (the voltage at which a pin goes from a 1 to a 0), would require some calibration for each Microcontroller which was flashed. Using RA0-RA3 has the important advantage of allowing the comparator module (on page 234) and comparator voltage reference module (page 239) to set an absolute voltage threshold.

Simultaneous button presses

If more than one button is pressed only the resistance of the button closest to the MCU pin effects the discharge time, because the two button forms a parallel resistor network where one branch (the button closer to the MCU) has a 0 resistance and the other branch (the button further away from the MCU) has a 1k resistance. The effective resistance of this pair is 0, negating the effect of the button further away from the MCU. Thus, when more than one button is pressed, the discharge time is governed by the button closest to the MCU pin.

No button press

When no button is pressed, the cap discharges thought the (very high) resistance of the MCU pin. See the advanced topics below. The resistance in this case is about 1M ohm, hence the time constant is on order to tenths of a second.


Do you think that you can write some firmware for this problem?

Advanced topics

If we take into consideration the input impedance of the PIC pin the analysis above is effectively unchanged. By Thevenin, the input of the PIC can be viewed as an impedance (resistance) connected to ground. The input impedance of the PIC is really large, on the order of mega ohms plus the 100 ohms sitting in front of the input. The resistance of a series circuit is the sum of the individual resistors, hence the PIC input is on the order of mega ohms. Now the charge on C1 has two paths to ground, one through the R1, R2, R3 resistor network and the other through the PIC input. These two resistors are in parallel. The effective resistance of a pair of parallel resistors is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocal of the resistances. Working this out you can see that the equivalent resistance is virtually the same as that of the R1, R2, R3 resistor network. Hence, taking into consideration the input resistance, only slightly changes the calculations shown above.