EENG 383
Lab 13 - Ultrasonic Parking Assistant
InLab 13
Some self guided
Lab 13 assignment
I have been having some difficulty parking my car in the tight
parking spaces available in front of Brown building and I would like
your help building a digital parking assistant. The reason that I am
having difficulty is that I cannot determine how much room I have
behind my car as I am backing into a space. I am planning on mounting
an ultrasonic range finder on my rear bumper and running a cable from
the range finder to my dashboard where the development board will reside.
The RGB LED on the development board will provide me with the proximity to any
obstruction behind me using color as follows:
- If the obstruction is within 20cm of the bumper the LED
should turn red, indicating that I should stop,
- If the obstruction is more than 1.48 meters from the bumper
the LED should turn green indicating that I have plenty of room to
back up,
- If the obstruction is more than 20cm and less than 148cm from
the bumper, the color should be a mix of red and green proportional
to the proximity to the obstruction. This concept is illustrated
in the following figure.
The software should use CCP4 interrupt to measure the echo pulse
duration from the ultrasonic range finder. The code for the
CCP4 interrupt should be placed in
void myCCP4ISR(uint16_t capturedValue);
Note the argument to the ISR is provided by the
CCP4_CaptureISR which is the MCC provided
function which calls your myCCP4ISR function. You need to tell the
compiler to call myCCP4ISR whenever a capture event occurs using
the following configuration at the top of main in it's usual place.
Your myCCP4ISR should put the duration of the echo pulse
into a global uint16_t variable "echoPulse". Every time that
myCCP4ISR writes a new value into echoPulse, the ISR should
also set a global variable "newSample" to true. main can poll
the newSample variable to determine when a new echoPulse is available.
Our ultrasonic range finders have a tendency to occasionally generate
an invalid echo pulse. I would like your software to filter out these
invalid values as follows. Your program should gather 8 consecutive
echo pulse durations into an array of uint16_t. After collecting
8 echo pulse durations in an array, sort the array, in decreasing order,
using an algorithm like bubble sort. Do not use a complex set of
if/then's to sort. Then go into this sorted array and choose the
the middle element of the array (array index 3) as the echo pulse duration
on which to base the parking assistant range value on. Choosing the middle element
of the sorted list allows your code to ignore the occasional invalid pulse
duration. And since the echo pulse durations are being generated at 10Hz
there isn't much delay in taking 8 range measurements.
For example, my code collected the following 8 echo pulse durations,
where two of the values where invalid. My algorithm returns the
3rd element of the sorted list (remember indexes start at 0) as
the echo pulse duration to use for the parking assistant. In the case
below this would be 33,224 timer counts. This range is used until another
8 echo pulse durations have been collected, sorted and the 3rd element
33230 33231 33226 33221 33224 10984 10885 33227
10885 10984 33221 33224 33226 33227 33230 33231
Your software should use the TMR0 roll-over interrupt to generate a 25us
trigger pulse at exactly 10Hz.
Your program should use two PWM channels, one for the red LED and one for the
green, to produce the parking assistant color patterns.
At start-up your program should present a splash screen - this would
be a great place for some ascii art. The splash screen should also contain
connection instruction for the development board (where to install jumper
wires). For example, my program generates the following splash screen.
Development Board
Lab 13 terminal
RGB Connections:
RC2: Red
RC1: Green
Ultrasonic Connections:
Vcc: left pin on JP1 header (closest to mini USB).
Trig: RC7
Echo: RB0
GND: GND header pin on PIC breakout header.
When you press "?" you should be greeted with the following menu.
echoPulse = 29638
distance = 247 cm
?: Help menu
o: k
Z: Reset processor
z: Clear the terminal
s: Stream Echo pulse length
S: Stream distance
c: collect and sort distances
C: convert distances to color
- Status
Display the current 16-bit echo pulse duration as well as the converted
range that this duration represents in centimeters.
- ?
Prints out the ever useful help menu.
- z
Clear the terminal using a bunch of new lines.
- z
Reset the processor so that we can see that splash screen.
- s
Stream the echoPulse durations coming from myCCP4ISR until
a key is pressed.
- S
Stream the echoPulse durations coming from myCCP4ISR converted
into centimeters. Do this until a key is pressed.
- c
Collect 8 echoPulse durations into an array. Display the samples
then sort the list and display the sorted list. The output should look
like the sorted example above.
- C
Run the parking assistant LED until a terminal key is pressed.
You may work with a single partner (or alone) to complete this lab.
Submit your main.c file on Canvas using the instructions posted
there. You should take note of the Rubric that will be used to evaluate
your assignment. Please form a group before submitting using the
instructions posted on Canvas. You will demonstrate your code at the
beginning of lab.