Mplab and XC8 Install on Linux

Mplab on Linux

One of the reasons that I chose to use the MPLab X IDE is that it is available as a free download allowing student to use it on their own computers. This supports an important pillar of my teaching philosophy; to enable students to work independently to explore and solve interesting problems. Unfortunately, many engineering programs are PC only, leaving Linux users with awkward solutions to work off campus. Fortunately with a little work, Linux users can install and use the MPLAB X IDE + XC8. What follows are some guidelines to help you through the process.

As a PC user I have not tested these! I would, however, be more than happy to improve the quality. Just send me an email at with concrete suggestions on how to improve them. Support your fellow and future Linux users. That said, thanks to Connor for providing these.

These instillation instructions for MPLAB and XC8 were used to install the software on a Debian based system. The only issue is that the installer doesn't create a launcher, so you will have to make one yourself. Follow the linked guide below for that. One tricky part is finding the actual application in their file folders - it is /microchip/mplabx/v5.25/mplab_platform/bin/mplab_ide These links are for the guides: