Instructions for getting the RPi configured for EENG 383 without using
the HDMI port
Go to Raspberry Pi, click on RASPBIAN, and download the RASPBIAN STRETCH LITE Zip file. The download will take a while. Unzip the file and store it somewhere safe.
Go to Etcher and download and install.
Insert the SD card into your computer.
Launch Etcher and flash the Raspbian zip to the SD card.
When complete, close Etcher and identify the drive letter associated with boot partition of the SD card.
Edit wpa_supplicant.conf file using notepad
Change ssid to match your home network name – this is case sensitive
Change psk to math the password of your home network
Make changes to CSM configuration to match your userid and password
Copy ssh and wpa_supplicant.conf to boot partition.
Insert the SD card into the RPi. Optional - attached an Ethernet cable between the RPi d your router. Next power-up through micro-USB adapter using a wall adapter or USB power brick – do not power from your PC USB port as it will not be able to provide enough power.
Log into your router and get the IP address assigned by your router to the RPi.
Launch putty:
Host Name: // IP address from previous step
Connection type: SSH
From the terminal interface:
User name: pi
Password: raspberry
In the instructions that follow, there are many commands that you will need to issue to the RPi. In all cases things that are printed by the RPi are shown in courier font and all the things that you are to type are shown in bold courier font.
Create new super user
EVERY Raspberry pi comes with this default password making it a HUGE
security vulnerability. First things first, let’s add you as a new
user and give you super user priviledge.
Start by creating a new userID - I would advise using your CSM user id.
In the instructions below replace "coulston" with your CSM user id.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo adduser coulston
Use a reasonablly strong password. After this is complete, edit the
superuser file by typing the following:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo visudo
Scroll through the file and file the following area. Its on or about
the second page down. Add your username and associated text on the line
below the "root" user as shown below.
# User privilege specification
To check that you typed everything correctly,
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo reboot
Login as your newly created superuser account and then check that you
have superuser priviledges....
coulston@raspberrypi:~ $ nano /test
You should see the message " [ Directory '/' is not writable ]". Now
try this same command
coulston@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo nano /test
Instead of the warning, in its place you should see " [ New File ]".
This is confirmation that you have super user priviledge. The next
step is to delete the "pi" account as follows:
coulston@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo userdel -r pi
You can confirm that the pi user has been delete by listing all the
users on the computer as follows:
coulston@raspberrypi:~ $ ls /home
Your account should be the only one. Nice work.
Configure interfaces
The RPi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config) allows you to configure
some important system-level features.
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo raspi-config
Use the up and down arrows to select the numbered items. Use the right
and left keyboard arrows to select <select> and <finish>
select: 5 Interfacing Options <Enter>
P2 SSH <Enter>
<Yes> <Enter>
<Ok> <Enter>
select: 5 Interfacing Options <Enter>
P3 VNC <Enter>
<Yes> <Enter>
Do you want to continue Y (wait a few minutes for install to complete)
<Ok> <Enter>
select: 5 Interfacing Options <Enter>
P6 Serial <Enter>
Would you like a login shell to be accessible… <No> <Enter>
Would you like the serial port hardware to be… <Yes> <Enter>
<Ok> <Enter>
select: 7 Advanced Options <Enter>
A1 Expand Filesystem <Enter>
<Ok> <Enter>
select: <Finish>
<Yes> <Enter>
When you reboot your SSH session will be terminated. Just wait a few
moments and re-login using the same IP address, userid pi, and your
new password.
Network connection to your home network
The real power of a RPi is its ability to function as a standalone networked
computer without any wired connections, a so-called headless configuration.
To fully realize this, you will need to create a wireless network connection.
Use the existing RPi setup and login to your pi and make the following
changes to a key networking file.
Note that "myHomeNetworkName" should be replaced with your wireless network
name. Note that "pugpuppies" should be replaced with your wireless password.
"id_str" is the id_string for this network block (stuff between paraenthesis),
and is needed because you will need to add the CSM wireless network later.
The priority tells the wireless adapter to try to connect to this network
first. Now to test that your wireless, reboot your RPi.
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo reboot now
You will loose your PuTTY connection. To restart it, wait a minues then
right mouse click in the upper left corner of the PuTTY window (on the
PC-to-PC lightening bolt) and select "restart connection". Then run
Look at the eth0 section and you will see "inet". This is the
IP address assigned to the RPi through the CAT-5 ethernet cable. Look
at the wlan0 section and you will see "inet". This is the
IP address assigned to the RPi through its wireless connection. Your
IP addresses will most likely be different, but you need to have a valid
wlan0 IP address in order to connect to the network.
Since it’s a bad idea to store passwords in plaintext, you should encrypt them whenever possible. Fortunately, my home network runs wpa-psk which allows me to encrypt my network password (pugpuppies). To do this, save and exit the file and then encrypt the psk passphrase as follows:
Now copy the entire “psk=7ecb80e7…” string and edit the wpa_supplicant
file. Replace the “psk=”pugpuppies” line with the “psk=7ecb80e7…””
line as shown the in following examples:
After you make these changes reboot your Rpi with the ethernet cable
unplugged and login using the wlan0 IP address.
Network connection to Mines network
If you followed the previous instructions, you will already be able to
connect to your home wireless network. Let’s get you on the CSM wireless
network. This is super easy. Before you start, you will need some
basic network information from the ifconfig command, run as follows:
Make sure to record the MAC address (called “ether” by ifconfig) of the
wlan0 adapter. In the example above this is b8:27:eb:70:b8:b8 and use
it to register your RPi with the
CSM Network Registration page
Agree to the network policies and then complete the form using the
MAC address of your wlan0 adapter. Once you complete this, login to
your RPi and edit the wpa_supplicant.
You should be able to connect to the CSMwireless. The big problem that
I am working on is how to determine the IP address assigned to you
without having to connect the RPi to a console using the HDMI port.
Fortunatly, the wireless IP address is pretty stable, meaning that
it will not change that often.
Finding IP Address on Bootup
Because the way CSM has configured the wifi, the IP Addresses are not
static and expire afer 30 minutes of inactivity. Not knowing the
IP address makes working with a headless Raspberry Pi impossible
because you cannot connect to it. One solution to this problem is
to add a script at boot-up that will send you an email with
your IP address. After you boot-up your Raspbery Pi (headless),
open the email sent to you by your Raspberry Pi, get the IP address,
then use SSH to connect with your Rasberry Pi. To do this follow
along with these steps.
Back on your personal computer, download
Move this file to your Desktop. Open with Notepad, not MS Word, and
edit in your email information.
Your fromaddr will be your personal email (or a dummy email you can
set up as well on gmail so you don't have your password to your real
email on your Pi), the toaddr will be any email you can access, and
the username and password will be your username and password to the
“fromaddr” you entered. Note: I have not tried this with our MyMail
accounts. I would recommend making a dummy Gmail account. The
“fromaddr” MUST be a GMAIL account.
Save the file and upload it to the /home/pi/ directory on your
Raspberry Pi.
Once the file is on your Raspberry Pi you need to make it
executable by typing
The sleep command causes this script to be inactive for 60 seconds after
boot-up. The assumption is that the during these 60 seconds, the
Raspberry Pi is able to connect to the CSM wireless network. The second
command starts the email script. The "&" character runs the email
script in the background. This is important, because if the email
script gets caught in an infinite loop for some reason, it would
hang the Raspberry Pi if the script was not running in the background.
The exit 0 command tells the caller, that this script
ran correctly.
Check that everything is in order by rebooting the Raspberry Pi.
You can do this by typing:
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo reboot now
You will have to wait a minute to get the email (sleep 60).
Under the wlan0 category, use the inetaddr as your IP address
when you ssh to your Raspberry Pi.
RPi Serial interface
Check that your serial port is working by connecting an oscilloscope probe to pin 8 of the RPi header (USART TX) and a ground lead to pin 39. The following command should produce activity on the TX pin.
pi@raspberrypi:~$ echo “a” > /dev/ttyS0
Keep the oscilloscope connected, we will want to test the python serial connection in a moment. Now, it’s time to configure the serial port to work with our development board by disabling the RPi from using the serial port to pump out diagonisitic message during boot-up as follows:
Go to minterm and copy the python script into the buffer. On the RPi paste this code into a file called Now run minterm to open a terminal interface to /dev/ttyS0
pi@raspberrypi:~$ python /dev/ttyS0
Enter port name: /dev/ttyS0
--- Miniterm on /dev/ttyS0: 9600,8,N,1 ---
--- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
Try sending some characters – you should see them appear in the USART TX pin on the RPi header. Note that miniterm is a terminal interface that runs on the RPi, allowing you to interact with the development board, in exactly the same way that PuTTY is a terminal interface that runs on a PC allowing you to interact with the development board. The PIC18F26K22 has two serial ports, one pointed to the PC through the FT232 chip (EUSART 2) and the other through the header at the top of the development board (via EUSART 1). If you are using the RPi, you will need to configure your programs to use EUSART 1 instead of EUSART 2 using the MCC. You will need to keep this change in mind – where you used to call “EUSART2_DataReady”, you will need to call “EUSART1_DataReady”. In order to test the interface between the serial connection, download lab9.hex from ( on to your development board through the PICKit3, solder in the 40 pin header, run miniterm and you should be able to execute the development board test program except through the RPi. You may find that you need to reset the PIC in order to get things working.
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo chmod 660 /dev/ttyS0
NGINX is a lightweight web server that will allow you to write embedded web apps. Start by installing NGINX. Before you start, you will need to know the IP address of your RPi as assigned by either your home network or the one assigned by CSM.
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo apt-get install nginx
Test your install by bringing NGINX up using the following command:
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start
Now point your browser to the IP address of your RPi by typing in the IP address in the address bar of the browser. You should get a “Welcome to NGINX” web page. You will need PHP to interface tour development board to the RPi. Install using the following:
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo apt-get install php7.0-fpm
Now point your browser to the IP address of your RPi by typing in the IP address in the address bar of the browser. You should get a “Welcome to NGINX” web page. You will need PHP to interface tour development board to the RPi. Install using the following:
Add index.php to the line
index index.html index.htm;
index index.php index.html index.htm;
Remove the “#” symbols from in front of the following – comment out the last line!
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
# With php-fpm (or other unix sockets):
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock;
# With php-cgi (or other tcp sockets):
# fastcgi_pass;
Remove the file /var/www/html/index.html and add a file index.php in its place containing the single line:
<?php echo phpinfo(); ?>
Point your browser at the IP address of your RPi and you should get a complex page with lots of PHP information.