There are a number of UTILITIES that we need to manage our MODFLOW files and execution. Also, this is a good time to set up directories for your work and to download files that we will work with as examples.

First open Windows Explorer on your computer and place in lower right portion of your screen.

Make a directory for your MODFLOW class work on your computer. For reference purposes I will assume you do this under C:\TEMP\YOURNAME\MODFLOW, and use that throughout these web pages, but you may set it up anywhere you like, using a directory name that identifies it as yours.

To create a directory:
Get into explorer
Click on the directory where you want to create a directory
Select>> File>New Folder ... and type the directory name

You will conduct the modeling exercises in YOUR equivalent of C:\TEMP\YOURNAME\MODFLOW.

I have copies of all the files you will create during the class. In the event that you have trouble and would like to obtain my copy of the file so that you can move on and keep up with the class, visit the following page on your CD:


Down load MODFLOW2000 (mf2k) from the USGS software page USGS software1. If you are in the GE Dept computer lab this is already done for you and resides under C:\wrdapp, but is likely not the most recent version. Check there to determine the available version number that should be used in the path name in your batch file. If you are elsewhere, when you get to the location on the web page specifying "MODFLOW2000 compiled for MS-DOS", right click and save it to any convenient directory. Then double click on that file and extract its contents to C:\. It will create wrdapp\mf2k#_#, where #_# is the version number. Look in the wrdapp directory to see which version number is installed on your computer.


Text Editors, Textpad, Notepad, Wordpad, Word Perfect, MSWord

MFI2K - new USGS freeware, to facilitate data input

Sophisticated Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
There are a number GUIs available, I will introduce some of them, but this is not a course on GUIs and it is extremely important that you feel completely comfortable with the text files or you will not be a successful modeler. Consequently we will work with text files for a while and later we will move back and forth between using GUIs and text files
When working with codes that involve numerous input files, it is preferable to have a text editor that is designed to look at many files at once. Editors like WORDPAD and NOTEPAD are NOT CONDUCIVE to this work, but you can use them. It will simply be tedious.

Some people have a windows based compiler software that they use as a multiple file editor. This works very well.

If you don't have a good editor for text files, I suggest you try Textpad or UltraEdit32. Textpad is share ware and can be down loaded from: Textpad Download. They provide a trial version that regularly reminds you to pay $29 if you want to have a licensed version. UltraEdit Download also offers a trial and is $50. It isparticularly nice if you write computer programs.

For discussion purposes throughout the pages that discuss text file manipulation, I will assume that you are using Textpad, but just substitute your own editor if you use something else.

Open Textpad and place it in the upper left portion of your screen, notice that you can: