Before creating MODFLOW files

If you did not do so yet: Define the root file name for these MODFLOW files

Change the root file name to “ex5”
Save your work
First define the Paths you will use
Choose Model->Paths to Models...
At the bottom, change the working directory to C:\temp\yourname\MODFLOW\exer\gwvtut
Paths to the executables should be correct, but this is a good place to check if a model is not running

Choose File->Save As
Use the file name ex5.gwv
Create data files for a MODFLOW simulation
Click the calculator button on the toolbar, OK
View the error file
Correct any errors, repeating the calculate process (note we expect the grid size transition rule to be broken)
If your model does not converge, Select Model->MODFLOW->OutputControl
Print heads every 1 time step and drawdown every 0 time step
Uncheck the "disable printing of head/drawdown to output file" this will allow you to view the calculated heads in the output file
Rerun and view the convergence conditions in the output file (ex5.out) by dragging it from your model directory into textpad
Check the mas balance, number of iterations used, the tolerance, the last head change and view the heads
Select Model->MODFLOW->SolverPackage
Decrease the tolerance AND Increase the maximum number of iterations (perhaps 0.0001 and 500)
Repeat creation of MODFLOW files and execution until convergence with reasonable mass balance is concerned
If MODFLOW win32 (the version of MODFLOW that comes with GWV) does not run, GWV could not find the executable
Select Model->PathtoModels
BROWSE for MODFLOW and find the file called mfwin32.dll or if you want to use an unrelated executable locate that
Otherwise check that the files are in the proper directory or in our PATH
When MODFLOW is done Choose YES to post-process the results
Specify what model results to analyze including a check next to “CBC Files” to view the mass balance
Click OK
HEAD CONTOURS SHOULD APPEAR, but may not given contour settings

Go "BACK" and continue with the post processing step.