Once MODFLOW has successfully completed, Choose YES to post-process the results

Specify what model results to analyze (include a check next to “CBC Files” to allow viewing of the mass balance)
Be wary that the proper path and file names appear here
You can get to this screen to import any previously created results via Plot>ImportResults
Click OK

Check the model by reading through the GWV output,
drag all the ex5 ascii files from C:\temp\yourname\modflow\exer\gwvtut into textpad
the binary files will appear as gibberish and can simply be closed if you open them


if your model did not converge, check the mass balance (either in ex5.out, or by Plot>MassBalance>ModelSummary),
if it is not acceptable:
Select Model->MODFLOW->SolverPackage
Decrease the tolerance, possibly increase the number of iterations if almost all were used last time
Repeat creation of MODFLOW files and execution until convergence with reasonable mass balance is concerned

if you notice something incorrect, fix it, rerun and continue reviewing results
if you cannot figure out what is wrong, it may help to echo input to the output file
Select Model->MODFLOW->PrintFormats
Choose a print format for any parameter of relevance to your model (by default these are off, but if you are using my gwv file, they may be on)
Once these are checked, rerun and return to reveiwing your files

HEAD CONTOURS Should APPEAR whether they do, or not (in which case they are likely to after the following adjustment), you can adjust them by:

Select Plot>Contour>Parameters(plan) and adjust contours as desired

Mine look like this:

Toggle through the layers to see if heads change with depth

Plot velocity vectors on the map and cross-section by selecting
Plot->What to Display…
Check Vectors
Select Plot>VectorOptions to adjust the appearance of the vectors

Plot a color flood map by selecting
Plot->What to Display…
Check Color Flood of heads

Turn off the color flood and take a closer look at the cross section view
Drag the bar that separates the cross section from the plan view down
Select Plot>Contours>Parameters(Section)
Consider the calculated Z range (in this case heads)
Set the contour controls at reasonable values

To view along columns rather than rows Select XSect>Selection

Adjusting for column 1

Try viewing other columns, color floods and vectors
Explore GWV plotting feature:
To view the Mass Balance, Select Plot->Mass Balance->Model Summary
A table similar to the MODFLOW output summary appears
Click Graph to produce a bar chart of the mass balance

Flux rates are also displayed on the status bar based on cursor position
Switch to the BC mode
Switch to layer 1
Place the cursor over a river or ghb cell
A negative represents flow leaving the model

if you do not see this, you may need to stretch your window to make it wider
To view profiles of head, concentration, drawdown, or water flux plotted versus distance along a cross-section,
Select Plot-> Profile->Head
Double click on items such as axis labels to change to desired settings
Right click on the graph to print, export, or modify the chart.
Here is my profile for row 1
if you look closely even at this scale you can pick up the upward gradient on the left and the downward gradient on the right