1. Your model does not run to completion. What do you do?

answer to 1
2. Your model does not converge. What do you do?
       answer to 2

3. You are working with a 2D cross-section model illustrated below. What is your conceptual problem?

answer to 3

4. You are going to extract a section of a basin for your model. How will you define the boundary conditions?

answer to 4

5. Two aquifers exist in your area with a nearly constant 10m difference in heads and essentially no gradient across your site. You set up the model as:

You introduce a pumping well in the middle of the upper layer and begin your transient run.
What do you observe?

answer to 5

6. Your well penetrates and withdrawals water from multiple layers. How do you represent it in MODFLOW?

answer to 6

7. You are simulating a partially penetrating well in a fairly homogeneous sand aquifer. How many model layers will you need?
answer to 7

8. How would you lay out your modeling report if you didn't have the class guidelines?
answer to 8