CSE 40166 / 60166 - Computer Graphics

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Collin Mackett's Computer Graphics Fall'12 Webpage

Below is the screenshot from our first class homework. For the homework, we had to manipulate GL polygons to display our intials and our major.

Below is the screenshot from the second class homework. For the homework, we had to display a 2D model. I chose to represent the model in the form of the kid (the main and unamed charater in the video game "LIMBO." The character, the Limbo kid, can move up, down, left and right, all without leaving the visible area of the window. The kid will also move his eyes to follow the mouse and falls into LIMBO (dissapears) when the mouse is clicked.

Below is a screenshot from the 3rd homwork assignment.

Below is a screenshot from the 4th homework assignment.

Below is a screenshot from the midterm project. Jared Schneider and I worked together on this project to create a 3D roller coaster. The project incorporated everything we learned from throughout the semester.

Below is a screenshot from homework5, a particle system generator.

Below is a screenshot from homework6, a simple collision game. The player character is red and is being chadsed by the blue enemy characters. If an enemy hits the player, the player loses. The player wins the game if they can succeed in avoiding any enemies for 10 seconds.

Below is a screenshot from homework7, a simple shader implementation. Rendered object (simba) sits upon pride rock. Upon hitting spacebar, the program implements a Toon Shader on simba and he animates smoothly from one pose to the next.

Below is a screenshot from our final project. Jared Schneider and recreated a simple version of the game plants vs. zombies for this project. The project focused primarily on the graphics side of the project, rather than the "backend" this time. This led to the implementation of object models, shaders, textures, and dynamic lighting.