CSE 40166 / 60166 - Computer Graphics

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Justin Bernhard

HW1: we were require to create our initials along with the letters CSE

HW2: For my project I created trogdor. While idle, he will bounce up and down. When the mouse moves, his legs will spin around. If the mouse is clicked or the spacebar is pressed, he will blow fire from his mouth. If A or D is pressed, he will move left or right.

HW3: For my vehicle, I created a tank. When idle, the turret of the tank will move up and down. You can use wsad to move the tank where you want to move it around the grid. You can also use the mouse by clicking and draging to move the camera the way you want it. As you can see, the map is covered with UFOs.

HW4:For Homework 4, I created a program that parses a file that contains points. The program then graphs the points then uses those to plot a bezier line. It also animates a ball that tracks the path on that bezier line.

Midterm: for the midterm, we created a rollercoaster that rides a bezier circle. The maps are created by reading an input file and using that information for control point coordinates and object placement.

HW5: for Homework 5, I created a program that simulated a couple particle systems. The program simulates both a fountain and a rain cloud. The fountain particles are GL QUADS that are textured and always are facing the camera.

HW6: for Homework 6, I created a game of a snowman on the moon that has to run around and turn all the tiles on the map green before he gets hit 6 times by the fire enemy that is following him. If you touch fire 6 time, you will melt and die. If you hit all the squares, you will win and conquer the moon.

HW7: This program demostrates the usage of vertex shaders and fragment shaders. The program interpolates to positions of the same object to demonstrate animation on the object. The animal is demonstrates and toon shading lighting. It gives the penguins a unique comic book look.

Final Project: for out project, we created a 3D pocket tanks game. The program takes in a file that specifies the positions and number of tanks. If the tank gets hit, it will disappear. The last player left will win the game. The player can use different shaders to help play the game. The shots use a particle system of billboarded water missiles