CSE 40166 / 60166 - Computer Graphics Assignments and Projects

Matthew Bernstein

Here are the projects and assignments I have done for Computer Graphics CSE 40166 at the University of Notre Dame.

Assignment 1 - Initials

Assignment 2 - Creature
This program is interactive. The user can click the screen to take Mr. Potato Head's nose. Mr. Potato Head will then chase the mouse as he tries to retrieve his nose.

Assignment 3 - Vehicle
In this program the user can drive a 3D car through a virtual forest with the keyboard and control the camera using the mouse.

Assignment 4 - Bezier Curves
This program draws 3D cubic Bezier curves to the screen and animates a little red sphere that travels along the curves. The user can control a camera through the scene.

Midterm Project - Roller Coaster
This program animates a 3d roller coaster. The track design is read from a user defined input file that specifies control points for Bezier curves. The program also has 2 sounds: people scream when the roller coaster hits an incline, and carnival music in the background.

Assignment 5 - Particle Systems
This program animates creates two different types of particle systems: rainclouds and fountains. Rainclouds drop water droplets which splash into more water droplets upon hitting the ground. Fountains spew water droplets into the air. The user can specify the particle systems in an input file.

Assignment 6 - Collision Game
This is a small little game in which the user controls a hero teapot around a map and must outlast a swarm of zombie teapots. The hero can kill zombie teapots using a cannon. If a zombie teapot collides with the hero, the hero loses life.

Assignment 7 - Shaders
This program uses shaders to implement pose-based animation between two models of the penguin "Waddles". The vertex shader computes the location of each of Waddle's vertices by linearly interpolating between the location of the vertex in the first model and the vertex in the second model. Lastly, shaders were used to implement cel shading.

Final Project - Aquarium
This program is a virtual aquarium in which the fish exhibit Boid's flocking. Shaders were used to implement fogging as well as shadows.