CSE 40166 / 60166 - Computer Graphics

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William Heineman

This is the final image result for Homework 1. The assignment was to create an image using simple GL shapes (ie not GL_POLYGON) to draw my initials followed by CSE on the scree.

These are a few images from the completed Homework 2. The "zombie" has an idle animation of waving his arms. He can be manually moved with the "WASD" keys. Additionally, he will move towards a left click, and away from a right click (brains vs a knife). The final "fun" starts when you hit "k". He will begin "chasing" you. To run away, click with either the left or right mouse buttons. Good luck!

Homework 3 involved creating a vehicle that will move around on a 3D grid. My alien spaceship thing will move and turn with the "WASD" keys.

Homework 4 creates a Bezier Curve based on a command line argument of a csv file.

The Midterm Project is a 3D Roller Coaster that travels along a Bezier curve created from a CSV scene file. The objects in the scene are also specified by the scene file.

Homework 5 demonstrates the use of a particle system. It shows both a fountain and a rain cloud. The rain cloud can be moved around and a wind system can be toggled.

Homework 6 demonstrates a simple collision based game. The user controls the green ball and attempts to collect 5 coins or avoid the red balls for 10 seconds.

Homework 7 demonstates the use of shaders to deform a mesh as well as to color verticies. The Final result is a face that is cell shaded and shifts better two expressions.


Our Final project is a replication of the popular game Pocket Tanks. The user is able to control each tank in turn (intended to be played with friends), and is able to shoot at and kill other tanks. As well, multiple shaders are demonstrated.