Dr. Paone at Machu Picchu

Jeffrey R. Paone, Ph.D.


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Standoff Biometrics

Face and iris biometrics perform very when the image is acquired from a close range - several feet from a face or inches from an iris. It becomes a challenge to take a high-resolution and good quality image from ten to fifteen feet away from a subject. My research in this area developed a system to automatically track a subject across a room while capturing images of their face, iris, and fingerprints at a distance up to fifteen feet. This project made use of the Microsoft Kinect for skeletal tracking.

Camera Calibration & Naturalistic Driving

The Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) collected two years of naturalistic driving video data. The videos were collected from four different cameras placed within the vehicle. We were responsible for developing a camera calibration model that accurately represented the intrinsic and extrinsic properties of all four cameras. Several performer teams then used this calibration data to develop tools to identify elements both inside and outside the vehicle. Our team created baselines to compare the performer teams' results.

Biometric Menagerie

My research examined the biometric menagerie and its stability under varying conditions. The conditions under scrutiny are when the illumination or subject's expression changes, or when the images representing an individual subject in the dataset are changed. The biometric menagerie is a classification system that labels subjects based on their matching tendencies.


  1. Jeffrey R. Paone, David Bolme, Regina Ferrell, Deniz Aykac, and Thomas P. Karnowski, "Baseline Face Detection, Head Pose Estimation, and Course Direction Detection for Facial Data in the SHRP-2 Naturalistic Driving Study", Intelligent Vehicle Symposium 2015, Seoul, Korea, 2015. [PDF]
  2. Jeffrey R. Paone, Patrick J. Flynn, P. Jonathon Philips, Kevin W. Bowyer, Richard W. Vorder Bruegge, Patrick J. Grother, George W. Quinn, Matthew T. Pruitt, and Jason M. Grant, "Double Trouble: Differentiating Identical Twins by Face Recognition", Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 9, no. 2, pp 285-295, February 2014. [PDF]
  3. Jeffrey Paone and Patrick J. Flynn, "On the Consistency of the Biometric Menagerie for Irises and Iris Matchers", Proc. 2011 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS 2011), Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, November-December 2011. This paper won a silver Best Student Paper award at WIFS 2011. [PDF]
  4. Jeffrey Paone, Soma Biswas, Gaurav Aggarwal, and Patrick Flynn, "Difficult Imaging Covariates or Difficult Subjects? An Empirical Investigation", Proc. 2011 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2011), Washington, DC., 2011. [PDF]
  5. Matthew T. Pruitt, Jason M. Grant, Jeffrey R. Paone, Patrick J. Flynn, and Richard W. Vorder Bruegge, "Facial recognition of identical twins", Proc. 2011 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2011), Washington, DC, 2011. [PDF]
Last Updated: August 3, 2018

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