/* This is the file h_mkdv.com */ /* for the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation */ showtime:true; writefile("h_mkdv.out"); batchload("hir_sys.max")$ n:3$ B1(f,g):= Dxt[0,1](f,g)+Dx[3](f,g)$ B2(f,g):= Dx[2](f,g)$ name:mkdv$ /* this line is different from the one for hir_sing.max */ hirota(B1,B2,name,n,true,true,true)$ /* explanation: - the first true refers to test for the three soliton solution; - the second true refers to a second check on the form of the coefficients a[i,j] and b[1,2,3]; - the third true refers to test for the four soliton solution; No random-number testing here */ a[1,2]:factor(a[1,2]); b[1,2,3]:factor(b[1,2,3]); f; g; closefile(); kill(all)$ quit(); /* end of the file h_mkdv.com */