/* Last updated: September 8, 2020 by Hereman in Boulder */ /* Data file s-mZK-run5-test-solution-Sep8-2020.dat for the test run of the modified Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation */ /* in the manuscript by Du etal Chaos, Solitons, Fractals -- refwork October 15-24, 2019 */ /* and refereeing of revised manuscript on January 5, 2020 */ /* Eq. 6 in paper: modified Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation: u_t + u u_z + aa*u_z + bb*u_{yyz} + cc*u_{zzz} + mm*u_y = 0 */ /* for u[y,z,t], assign u[1] to u, x[1] to y, x[2] to z, x[3] to t */ /* aa, bb, cc, and mm = dd are constants */ /* Added a constant kkk, which should be kkk = 1, to test the solution of the determining equations */ /* Last updated: September 8, 2020 by Hereman in Boulder */ parameters:[aa,bb,cc,mm]; sublisteqs:[all]; info_given:true; highest_derivatives:all; warnings:true; subst_deriv_of_vi:true; p:3; q:1; m:1; depends(eta1,[x[1],x[3]]); depends(eta2,[x[2],x[3]]); depends(eta3,x[3]); depends(phi1,u[1]); /* Last updated: September 8, 2020 by Hereman in Boulder */ /* Inserted a constant kkk, which should be kkk = 1, to test the solution of the determining equations */ eta1 : kkk*k5*(x[1]+2*mm*x[3])+k1; eta2 : k4*x[3]+k5*x[2]+k2; eta3 : 3*k5*x[3]+k3; phi1 : -2*k5*(aa+u[1])+k4; e1 : u[1,[0,0,1]]+u[1]*u[1,[0,1,0]]+aa*u[1,[0,1,0]]+bb*u[1,[2,1,0]]+cc*u[1,[0,3,0]]+mm*u[1,[1,0,0]]; /* aa, bb, cc, and mm are constant parameter */ v1 : u[1,[0,0,1]]; /* end of data file s-mZK-run5-test-solution-Sep8-2020.dat */