EENG 393
In Lab 4 - PSU operation
When you have worked through all the material in this lab writeup, please
take the inLab 04 Quiz. You may find quiz questions to be similar to,
but not identical to the numbered questions in this inLab write up.
Note, you wil have 60 minutes to complete the ten questions in the
Canvas quiz so it would be a good idea to complete all the inLab
activities before taking the Canvas quiz. Do not turn in the answers
to the numbered questions in this inLab writeup.
Power Supply Analysis
Regulation is the act of maintaining a constant voltage or current at a
circuit terminal regardless of how the input or load changes. We are
building a linear power supply which are characterized by:
- Having output voltages that are less than input voltage,
- Not power efficient,
- Dissipate lots of heat,
- Provide very stable voltage and current output,
- Respond quickly to changes in the load.
The figure below shows the architecture of the power supply that
we will construct. You can understand the behavior of the PSU by
breaking the PSU down into the colored functional blocks shown.

The operation of this power supply is identical to the bench top
power supplies. The user sets a maximum voltage and current using the
two pots labeled "Iset" and "Vset" in the image above. What follows are
several important observations that you will need to keep in mind as
you walk through an analysis of this circuit.
- Iout = Iin (well almost). While this may seem counterintuitive
at first, there are no significant paths to ground for current
from the input to output,
- The current measurement block's job is to create a voltage
(in volts) that is equal to the current (in amps) flowing
through R4, the
1Ω current sense resistor. In other words, VIact
is proportional to Iout,
- The LT3080 tries to set its OUT pin to the same voltage
as its SET pin,
- If Iout < Iset then the transistor T1 does not affect
the voltage set feedback loop. This then allows the user
selected Vset to be applied to the SET pin of the LT3080,
- If Iout > Iset then the transistor T1 grounds the
Vset signal causing the LT3080 to output 0V. This
will quickly cause the Iout < Iset turning the LT3080 back on.
This will quickly cause Iout > Iset. The capacitor C3
smooths out these transitions resulting in Iout == Iset.
Operational Amplifier
Operational amplifiers (op-amps) play a major role in the design of our
power supply and you will find them to be one of the most commonly used
active components in electronics design. The fact that there are 1000's
of different op-amps, means that they have been optimized for a myriad of
different electronics tasks. We will be using the Texas Instruments
TLC274 quad op-amp. The term "quad" means that the IC contains 4
independent op-amps. Each of the four op-amps is drawn using the
following figure.

The Vcc and GND inputs provide power to the op-amp. The supply voltage
can be anywhere from 4V to 18V. Each op-amp on the chip
has two inputs, IN- the inverting input and IN+ the non-inverting input,
and one output OUT.
An important quality of op-amps is that
very little current flows into their inputs. In most cases you
can assume that no current flows into the inputs.
Each of the four op-amp on the chip is numbered
[1 … 4].
The relationship between the inputs and output of an op-amp
is summarized as follows:
OUT = AVD*(IN+ - IN-)
as a consequence of this fact is follows that:
if (IN+ > IN-) then OUT increases towards VCC
if (IN+ < IN-) then OUT decreases towards GND
Before we examine two common op-amp configuration a few points need to
be made:
- No current flows into the IN+ and IN- inputs,
- The open-loop gain AVD is somewhere around 40,000
The first op-amp configuration that we will examine, and that is part
of our power supply is the comparator shown at right in the image
above. To understand this circuits behavior remember than
an op-amp measures the voltage on its
inverting and non-inverting inputs and increasing or decreasing the
voltage on its output depending on which of the inputs is greater.
In terms of the variables shown in the image above:
If (IN+ > IN-) then OUT = VCC
If (IN+ < IN-) then OUT = GND
This op-amp configuration is called a comparator, because the
op-amp is comparing its inputs and the output reflects which is larger.
Negative Feedback
One particularly useful op-amp configuration is shown in the image
below, connecting the output to the inverting input. A connection
from the output to the inverting input of an op-amp is called
negative feedback.
Complete an analysis of this configuration by filling in
"increasing" or "decreasing" in the blanks below. Carry over
the answer from one line to the following line.
If IN+ > IN- then OUT
If OUT then IN- .
If IN- then the difference between IN+ and IN- .
If IN+ < IN- then OUT
If OUT then IN- .
If IN- then the difference between IN+ and IN- .
- Given that the difference between IN+ and IN- does the same thing
in both of the above cases, what does IN- equal?
As a general rule, op-amps with negative feedback are stable
trying to make the two inputs equal.
We could teach a whole course on bipolar junction field effect
transistors (BJT) and still not cover all their interesting applications.
No doubt that you have come across a few in your studies as an EE. For
today, I am going to use a simple model of a BJT that works for a large
portion of circuits that you will analyze. The following figure shows
that this SIMPLIFIED model, places a variable resistor between the
collector and emitter.

Call the voltage on the base V
b and the resistance between
the collector and emitter R
CE. The relationship between
these two quantities is given by the following:
As Vb increases, RCE decreases towards a short circuit
As Vb decreases, RCE increases towards an open circuit
Note in the limit, when V
b is at the supply voltage,
CE decreases to very low resistance, neat 0Ω On
the other hand as v
b is at ground, the
CE increases to very high resistance, neat ∞Ω
In this scenario, the BJT is acting like a switch and will be replaced
by one is a simplified version of the circuit.
The LT3080 is a linear voltage regulator that we will trick into perform
current regulation also. It is shown in the blue block in the architecture
above (along with the LM334 - more on that later). The LT3080's operation
is very easy to understand, the output voltage is equal to the voltage
on the set pin.
To understand the behavior better, open these
technical documents for the LT3080.
Before proceeding to the following questions note that the
minimum difference between the output voltage and the input voltage
is called
the drop-out voltage. This represents the minimum amount
of "headroom" that you need in order for the linear regulator to operate.
- What is the maximum output current of the LT3080?
- What is the drop-out voltage?
- What is the minimum load current?
LT3080 behavior
Take a look at the block diagram in the TYPICAL APPLICATION area of the
first page of the LT3080 technical documents. In order to understand the
behavior of this circuit, you will need to reference the op-amp and BJT
sections of this lesson.
Let's start our analysis of the LT3080 by looking at its internal
block diagram (shown at left in the
image below) and show how we can transform it into the SIMPLIFIED model
shown at right in the image below.

The current sources shown
in the LT3080 technical documents is a 10µA source that is
normally used (when combined with an external resistor) to set the
control voltage, SET. We are going to force a voltage on this pin
using an external circuit that will have
no problem sinking this
10µA of current. So I tossed out the current source in the
simplified model. Next I replaced the BJT with an "equivalent" variable
resistor. Finally I renamed some of the nodes in the circuit with
names that you will use in the subsequent analysis.
Complete the following analysis by filling in the blanks with
"increases" or "decreases" as appropriate. Carry over the
answer from one line to the following line.
If Vset > V- then Va
If Va then RCE .
If RCE then V- .
If V- then (Vset - V-) .
- Complete the following analysis by filling in the blanks with
"increases" or "decreases" as appropriate. Carry over the
answer from one line to the following line.
If Vset < V- then Va
If Va then RCE .
If RCE then V- .
If V- then (Vset - V-) .
- From this analysis, what is the relationship between
Vout and VSET?
In an earlier question, you should have uncovered that the LT3080
requires a minimum of 0.5mA of current to maintain proper regulation.
We will use the LM344 constant current source to draw a constant
current. To answer the following questions, open the
LM344 technical
- Which pins of the LM344 (V+, R, V-) go to which pins of the
following TO-92 package (1, 2, 3)?

- Look up Figure 11 to determine the set resistor value that
generates 1.0mA of current.
Current measurement
While there are several different ways to measure current flowing
through a load, I
load in the following image, we will use a
current sense resistor. The idea is very straight forward and
illustrated in the following diagram.

The user (you) will use a pair of potentiometers to limit the maximum
current and voltage supplied to the load, V
set and
set in the image above. The LT3080 will be responsible
for limiting the current and voltage; its denoted by the "power supplied
to load" box in the image above. This power will run
through the 1Ω current sense resistor. Using
Ohm's law, the voltage drop across this resistor, V
is equal to the current through the resistor times 1.
Differential amplifier
The circuit that measures the voltage difference across the current
sense resistor is called a differential amplifier. So named because the
circuit measure the difference between two signal levels. While you
can purchase a purpose-built differential amplifier, we will build one
using an operational amplifier (op-amp) because we already have an op-amp
chip in our circuit and rather than add another chip to the circuit, we
will use an op-amp that is already there.
The structure of our current sense resistor and differential amplifier
is shown in the following image.

You will be able to analyze the op-amp circuit in the previous image using
a few helpful facts.
- The "power supplied to load" has a voltage of Vin,
- The "power supplied to load" has a current of Iin,
- The op-amp will manipulate its output in an attempt to make
the voltage on its inputs the same,
- No current flows into the op-amp inputs,
- The current sense resistor is 1Ω,
- Ohm's law.
Now let's start the analysis.
- Write an Ohm's law equation for the voltage drop across
the current sense resistor (Vin - Va) in terms
of Iin and the value of the current sense resistor.
- Solve the previous equation for Va.
- Write an equation for the voltage on the non-inverting input
of the op-amp (Vref) using the variables:
Vref, Vin,
- Can the op-amp directly affect the value of Vref
by changing its output?,
- Write an Ohm's law equation for the resistor R1 in terms of
Ia, V-, Va as well as the
value of the resistor. Solve this equation for Ia.
- Can the op-amp directly affect the value of V-
by changing its output?,
- Remember that an op-amp with negative feedback will manipulate
its output in an effort to keep the voltage on its inputs the same.
Write an expression for the voltage on the inverting input of the
op-amp, V- in terms of Vin.
- Rewrite the equation for Ia (derived in a previous
step) by replacing the Va and V- terms.
Simplify the expression by performing subtraction of the
Vin terms.
- Remember that no current flows into the inputs of an op-amp.
This implies that all the current Ia will flow through
the resistor connecting the inverting input to the op-amp output.
Write an Ohm's law equation that relates the voltage at the op-amp
output (VIact) using the variables:
VIact, V-, Ia and the value of the
resistor R4.
- Modify the expression for VIact derive in the
previous step by replacing its V- and Ia
terms with expression derived in a previous step that were in terms
of Vin. Simplify the resulting expression until it looks
like an Ohm's law equation.
This simple expression means that the voltage at the op-amp output is the
current delivered to the load. In other words, the numerical
value of the current delivered to the load, measured in Amps, is
equal to the numerical value of the voltage at the op-amp output (measured
in volts). For example, if the load is drawing 0.1 Amps (I
= 0.1) then the op-amp output will equal 0.1V.
Current set
The current set functionality consists of two components, a MCP1702
(HD type) voltage regulator and a voltage divider.
- Pull the technical documents for the
MCP1702. What is the voltage output of the MCP1702 (Using the part
symbol HD - see Section 7.1 of the Tech Docs) the part.
- What range of load capacitor should be connected to the output?
- Go back to the power supply design for this question. Note the
POT is 20kΩ. What range of voltage can you generate on the output
of the current set potentiometer?
Voltage set
The voltage set portion of the circuit is just a op-amp with negative
feedback drawn in an unusual way. Take a look at the following reproduction
of this portion of the circuit.
- Reference the Power Supply schematic at the beginning of this lab.
What devices do points A and B in the image above, connect to?
The capacitor C3 provides an essential function when the power supply
is in current limiting mode. That is, when the load tries to consume
more current then I
set. When this happens the control
switch connected to point A will quickly cycle between a short circuit
to ground and an open circuit. Without capacitor C3, point B (connected
to the LT3080) would bounce around creating an unstable output. The
capacitor C3 forms a low pass filter, smoothing out the control signal
on the LT3080's SET pin. This generates a smooth and stable output from
the LT3080.
Control switch
The control switch takes the output of the
current measurement and current set and runs them into a
op-amp setup in a comparator configuration as shown in
the image below.

In our circuit the non-inverting input is the voltage which represents the
current being delivered to the load V
curr and the inverting
input comes from a potentiometer adjusted by the user to dictate the
maximum current to deliver to the load, V
- Reinterpret the comparator behavior discussed to determine the output
of the comparator in the blanks below. Your answer should be "VIN" or
If (VIact > VIset) then VIctrl =
If (VIact < VIset) then VIctrl =
The 2N2222 NPN transistor plays a central role in the the operation
our power supply. If the Iout > Iset then the transistor lowers
the set voltage of the LT3080 and consequently lower the current output.
On the other hand, if Iout < Iset then the transistor opens and
allows the voltage set op-amp (with negative feedback) to control the
output voltage of the LT3080. Let's look at how this is accomplished
by examining the relevant portion of the schematic in the following

Use our earlier discussion of the equivalent circuit for an
NPN transistor to answer the following questions. Your answers
should be either "open circuit" or "short circuit".
- When the base of the BJT is held at the collector
voltage (Vcc), RCE acts as a
- When the base of the BJT is held at the emitter
voltage (GND), RCE acts as a
Hence, the BJT acts as a switch either open or closed as shown in the
equivalent circuit. The two resistors (R9 and R10 in the schematic)
allow the voltages
Vop and V
b to change independent of one another.
Their resistance values are not terribly important as long as they can
safely dissipate the power generated in the circuit. As a consequence,
we will mainly ignore them in our analysis.
Let's reinterpret this NPN transistor's action in terms of the voltage at the
set pin of the LT3080. To start, let's examine how the V
voltage effects the voltage at the intermediate node V
If (VIctrl == VIN) then Vb = GND // because the switch is closed
If (VIctrl == GND) then Vb = VVop // because the switch is open
The final step in the analysis is to assert that V
set is basically
equal to V
b because there is only 10µA of current flowing
out of the SET pin of the LT3080. Consequently, we can reinterpret the
preceding characterization of how V
voltage effects the voltage at the SET pin of the LT3080 V
If (VIact > VIset) then Vset = GND // current limited
If (VIact < VIset) then Vset = VVop // voltage limited
This results deserves some explanation.
Let's assume that user has
configured the power supply in such a way that the power being supplied
to the load is limited by the maximum current-level set by the user.
VIact > VIset:
In the first condition
Iact > V
Iset, the load is receiving more
current than set by the user.
As a consequence the NPN transistor grounds the V
set pin
of the LT3080. This causes the output of the LT3080 to decrease (towards
0V). As a consequence, the voltage delivered to the load drops causing
the current delivered to the load to drop. This will eventually cause the
current consumed by the load to drop below the current set by the user.
This will transition the circuit to its other mode of operation.
VIact < VIset:
In the second condition
Iact < V
Iset, the load is receiving less
current than set by the user. As a consequence the NPN transistor is
open-circuited, allowing the LT3080 output voltage to increase towards
the level set by the user, V
Vop causing the current
delivered to the load to increase. This will eventually cause the
current consumed by the load to increase above the maximum current
level set by the user.
This will transition the circuit to its other mode of operation.
On the other-hand, let's assume that the user has configured the power
supply in such a way that the power being supplied to the load is limited
by the maximum voltage set by the user. In this case the NPN transistor
will always be an open-circuit because V
Iact < V
This will then cause V
set = V
Vop causing the
LT3080 output voltage to be held at V
Vop volts.