EENG 383

Lab 5 - Color Cube

Lab: 5
Status: Live

InLab 5

Some self guided activities.

Lab 5 assignment

Build firmware to smoothly and continuously change the colors on the LEDs according to the 6-color tour shown below.


Write an ISR to generate a color tour. A color tour is a gradual change in color along the purple edges in the image above. Each edge traverse should take about 0.25 seconds, meaning the entire color tour should take about 1.5 seconds. Each point on the color tour has a red, green and blue (RGB) component which, when mixed together, determines the color of the LED. A particular combination of RGB values is called a color coordinate. For example, the vertex labeled "fuchsia" has color coordinate (0, 255, 0).
The transition from one vertex to another will consist of 256 distinct steps and take a total of 0.256 seconds. Each invocation of the TMR ISR should move one step. Thus a total of 256 ISR invocations are required to traverse an edge of the color tour. Each invocation of the ISR should will make an incremental update to the color coordinate displayed on the RGB LED.

The color coordinates in the color tour represent the duty cycle of the PWM channel controlling the color in the order (red, green, blue). For example, at the vertex labeled "fuchsia (0,255,0)", the duty cycle of the red, green, blue LEDs are 0, 255, 0. Remember that the PWM duty cycles are 8-bit values (0 to 255) and that our LEDs are active low so a duty cycle of 255 turns the LED off and a duty cycle of 0 turns the LED on fully. So the fuchsia vertex has maximal red and blue color and no green.

If the color tour moved from the fuchsia vertex (with color coordinate (0,255,0)) to the blue vertex with color coordinate (255, 255, 0). In this case, each invocation of the ISR will subtract 1 from the duty cycle of the red LED while leaving the duty cycle of the green and blue LEDs alone.

In order to enjoy the full effect of your program, you should build some sort of light diffuser so that you aren't blinded by the LED output. Another eye saving technique is to turn-off all the LEDs at start-up.

At start-up your program should present a splash screen - this would be a great place for some ASCII art. The splash screen should also contain connection instruction for the development board (where to install jumper wires). When you press "?" you should be greeted with the following menu.
    Red:   0x3f
    Green: 0x3f
    Blue:  0x3f
?: Help menu
Z: Reset processor
z: Clear the terminal
R/r: increase/decrease Red intensity
G/g: increase/decrease Green intensity
B/b: increase/decrease Blue intensity
C/c: start/stop color cycle
a: All LEDs off
+/-: increase/decrease the color tour speed.


One of the lab assistants has kindly offered to draw-up a flow chart describing how main and the ISR interact to produce a color tour. Check out the attached link and let me know what you think. Lab 5 flowchart

5 point bonus

Six color tour shown in purple. Three color tour shown in purple.
As a bonus add compiler directives that allow your code to be compiled as either a 6-color tour or a 3-color tour by switching a single define value, NUM_COLOR between 6 and 3. In other words if your code is compiled with:
	#define NUM_COLOR	6
then the "c" command (see below) will generate a 6-color tour. On the other hand, if your code is compiled with:
	#define NUM_COLOR	3
then the "c" command will generate a 3-color tour. To accomplish this you will need to use the compiler directives #if, #elif, #end to switch which delta<COLOR>, init<COLOR> arrays is used as the color tour. The #if and #elif directives should use the value of NUM_COLOR in their conditionals. The #if to #end statements should only include the array declarations, there should be no code in this region. All the loops that iterate through the colors in the tour should use NUM_COLOR instead of constants values (like 3 or 6).


You may work with a single partner (or alone) to complete this lab. Submit your main.c file on Canvas using the instructions posted there. You should take note of the Rubric that will be used to evaluate your assignment. Please form a group before submitting using the instructions posted on Canvas. You will demonstrate your code at the beginning of lab.