EENG 393

Lab 12 - Soldering skills
Lab: 12
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InLab 12

Some self-guided activities.


Lab 12 assignment

Assemble your power supply PCB and provide a temperature profile for the PCB.


  1. Assemble your power supply
  2. Graph the temperature profile of your PCB on the reflow skillet while its being reflowed. Do this by completing the following
    • Measure the temperature of the PCB every 30 seconds using the FLIR thermal imaging camera,
    • Open Excel and enter "Time" in cell A1. Enter 0 in cell A2 and "=A2+30" in cell A3. Click on cell A2, click on the small square in the lower right corner and drag the formula down to cell A17,
    • Enter the recorded temperatures in cells B2 … B17,
    • Select cells A1 to B17,
    • Insert → Charts → Scatter → Scatter with smooth lines and markers.
You will have to learn how to use the FLIR TG165 on your own - don't worry it's pretty simple. If you like reading, check out the FLIR TG165 USER MANUAL. I found pages 6-12 to be most relevant. The distance to spot ratio was particularly important. If you like watching videos, then check out the FLIR TG165 video playlist