EENG 383

Lab 4 - Music Box with interrupts

Lab: 4
Status Live

InLab 4

Some self-guided activities.

Lab assignment

Use interrupts and a terminal interface to play a song.

Program Requirements Many of the program requirements in this week's lab are the same as last weeks. At start-up your program should present a splash screen - this would be a great place for some ASCII art. The splash screen should also contain connection instruction for the development board (where to install jumper wires). When you press "?" you should be greeted with the following menu.
?: Help menu
o: k
Z: Reset processor
z: Clear the terminal
p: play song once
r: Rhythm practice


You may work with a single partner (or alone) to complete this lab. Submit your main.c file on Canvas using the instructions posted there. You should take note of the Rubric that will be used to evaluate your assignment. Please form a group before submitting using the instructions posted on Canvas. You will demonstrate your code at the beginning of lab.