Lecture: 25
Objective: Explain upcoming lab and how to use the MCC interface to EEPROM in order to read and write data.
Technical Docs 24LC256

Using an I2C device

This next week's lab will require you to store microphone samples into an electrically eraseable read only memory (EEPROM). The general flow of data from the microphone into the EEPROM is shown in the image below.

As shown in this figure, the EEPROM is connected to the PIC through a pair of signals over an I2C bus. In order to complete this lab you will need to understand the EEPROM and the I2C bus. We will start with the EEPROM.


The 24LC256 is a serial EEPROM manufacture by Microchips. It is a a non-volatile memory that can store 256k bits, or 32k bytes. The "256" in "24LC256" is a reference to the number of of k bits. The term "non-volatile" is synonymous with EEPROM and means that the memory does not loose its contents when you remove power from the chip. The term "serial" means that communication with the EEPROM occurs 1 bit at a time. In our case, the serial communication takes place over a I2C bus. The 24LC256 EEPROM is physically organized into groups of 64 bytes, each called a page. Each byte of data in the EEPROM has a distinct address, starting at 0x0000 up to 0x8000. You are able to read and write up to 64 bytes at a time. Page address are multiples of 6410 or 0x40. A write operation moves new data into the EEPROM, overwriting whatever data was there before. A read operation is a non-destructive copy of data out of the EEPROM - the existing data in the EEPROM is not changed.

You can read and write data in units as small as a single byte and as large as a page. In order to complete a read or write operation the EEPROM maintains an address register. Every read or write operation automatically increments the address register. If needed, you can overwrite the value in the address register.

Write operations

Writing data to the EEPROM is a two step operation. First the data you are writing is put into a volatile memory. Next, the data in the volatile memory is transferred into the non-volatile storage. In order to understand how your firmware will accomplish this, you will need to be familiar with the following image which shows what information the 24LC256 EEPROM expects when the PIC writes a page of data.

Let's work through Figure 6-2 from beginning (left) to end (right) of a page write operation. The Microchips Code Configurator provides the I2C2_MasterWrite function providing a simple interface to this complex process.
I2C2_MasterWrite(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, EEPROM_I2C_ADDR, &I2C_Wflag);
The I2C2 function uses interrupts to transfer BUFFER_SIZE bytes from buffer to the volatile buffer inside the EEPROM. Once this transfer is complete, you can poll the I2C_Wflag to determine when the EEPROM has completed the write to its non-volatile memory.

The arguments are as follows:
parameter declaration Purpose
uint8_t buffer[] Hold the data to be sent to the I2C device with the first piece of data sent being at array index 0 and the last piece of data sent being at the last array index. With reference to Figure 6-2 above, the buffer[0] would hold "Address High Byte" and buffer[65] would hold "Data Byte 63". Note that the buffer array would need to hold 66 bytes (64 data bytes plus 2 address bytes), hence the array ends with index 65.
BUFFER_SIZE This parameter tells the function how many bytes from the buffer to send across the I2C bus. For a complete page this would be 66 bytes, 2 butes for the Address High/Low Bytes and 64 bytes for the data.
#define EEPROM_I2C_ADDR This is the 7-bit address of the I2C device that you are trying to communicate with. Since you are calling the "I2C2_MasterWrite" function the R/W bit is set to 0. This function takes care of sending the "Control Byte" shown in Figure 6-2, hence the control byte should not be included in the buffer.
I2C2_MESSAGE_STATUS I2C_Wflag; The "&" symbol in the parameter "&I2C_Wflag" means that the write function gets a pointer variable to I2C_Wflag. This gives the write function the ability to updates the I2C_Wflag variable after the function call has exited. Remember that the bulk of the work performed by the write function is done in the interrupt service routine which takes many milliseconds to complete. This feature provides your code with the status of the data write.

The data type "I2C2_MESSAGE_STATUS" is an enumerated type, meaning that it can take on a value in the left-most column below. Each of these values tells you about the state of the data transmission. I've only presented the three states of the I2C2_MESSAGE_STATUS that you will encounter in your lab.
flag value Meaning
I2C2_MESSAGE_PENDING, If you are using the I2C_Wflag variable, you should initialize it to I2C2_MESSAGE_PENDING. As long as the flag equals this value, the write function has not encountered any complications or has not completed transmitting the contents of the buffer.
I2C2_MESSAGE_COMPLETE This means that the I2C2_MasterWrite function has transferred the buffer into the EEPROM's non-volatile memory. At this point, the EEPROM will being the long process of committing this data into its non-volatile memory.
I2C2_DATA_NO_ACK When the control byte is sent, a slave with the stated DEVICE_ADDRESS should pull the SDA line low during the ACK time slice (after the 8th bit). If the SDA line is not pulled low, the flag status will change to "I2C2_DATA_NO_ACK". You can interpret this as the device is not on the bus or the slave device is s not finished performing some previous operation.
In order to make the I2C2_MasterWrite function work in an environment where you are trying to store multiple pages, you need to introduce some wait loops to allow the EEPROM to commit pages into its non-viola tile memory. This is done in the following example of a page write to the EEPROM.
#define EEPROM_I2C_ADDR     0b1010000       // 7-bit address for 24LC256
#define BLOCK_SIZE          64              // 0x40

void main() {

    I2C2_MESSAGE_STATUS      I2C_Wflag;
    uint8_t                  pData[BLOCK_SIZE+2];

    pData[0] = pageAddress>>8;
    pData[1] =  (uint8_t) pageAddress;

    I2C_Wflag = I2C2_MESSAGE_PENDING;                    
    I2C2_MasterWrite(pData, BLOCK_SIZE+2, EEPROM_I2C_ADDR, &I2C_Wflag);
    while(I2C_Wflag == I2C2_MESSAGE_PENDING); 

    do {
	I2C2_MasterWrite(pData, 0, EEPROM_I2C_ADDR, &I2C_Wflag); 
	while(I2C_Wflag == I2C2_MESSAGE_PENDING);
    } while(I2C_Wflag == I2C2_DATA_NO_ACK);
} // end main
There are three time intervals that you will measure in the associated lab. These are: You set and clear pins in your program and use an oscilloscope to look at the pulses on the associated pin to measure the times required for these three operations.

Read operation

Compared to writing data, reading data is less complex and requires less time. This is because there is no overhead associated with writing to the non-volatile memory. The process of reading is summarized by the I2C bus activity presented in Figure 8-2 and 8-3 of the 24LC256 technical documents and reproduced below.

Let's walk through this sequence to understand it better. A PIC will read one page from an address in the EEPROM as follows: A read operation usually requires two separate steps. The first is a "fake-write" of 0-bytes. I call this a fake-write, because you are not writing any data to the memory. Instead, this write operation is used to set the address register inside the EEPROM to to the address you want to read data from. Note, the EEPROM will not try to commit a 0-byte write operation so you will not have to wait for the commit. After the fake-write, you can request a genuine read of 64-bytes. The transfer of this data over the I2C bus will require a significant amount of time. Your program can poll the status of this read operation, or just wait a sufficient amount of time for the read to complete.

On a read operation, the EEPROM will auto increment the address pointer after every byte read, even across page boundaries. Hence, if you wanted to read the entire contents of the EEPROM, you could perform a fake-write to address 0, then issue consecutive page reads, each one coming from an incrementally larger page of the EEPROM.

The following code snippet shows how to perform a single page read from the EEPROM.
#define EEPROM_I2C_ADDR     0b1010000       // 7-bit address for 24LC256
#define BLOCK_SIZE          64              // 0x40

void main() {

    I2C2_MESSAGE_STATUS      I2C_Wflag;
    uint8_t                  pData[BLOCK_SIZE+2];

    pData[0] = pageAddress>>8;
    pData[1] =  (uint8_t) pageAddress;
    I2C2_MasterWrite(pData, 2, EEPROM_I2C_ADDR, &I2C_Wflag);
    while(I2C_Wflag == I2C2_MESSAGE_PENDING);                       
    I2C2_MasterRead(pData, BLOCK_SIZE, EEPROM_I2C_ADDR, &I2C_Wflag);
    while(I2C_Wflag == I2C2_MESSAGE_PENDING);