EENG 393

In Lab 6 - EAGLE schematic


There is no turn-in associated with this inLab. You will need to follow the instructions given below in order to create your schematic. Since each student needs to complete their own schematic (for your own PCB), you should complete the walk-through in this lab on your own. When you complete this walk-through you will have completed a good portion of the assignment due next week.

Creating a schematic in EAGLE

Today you will be creating a schematic for the constant voltage regulator portion of the uSupply. We will substitute the LM317 in place of your LT3080 because we do not have the footprint for this component, yet. You will rectify this in the next lab.

Software install

Create a project directory
Create an autodesk account at
Download and install EAGLE from
Download and install SparkFun Eagle library If you are on a lab computer, you will need to follow these steps to install the SparkFun library. Thanks to our friends in the Computer Center for these.

Schematic Capture with Eagle

Create a new project and schematic

The user interface

By PCB layout tool standards, the user interface for EAGLE is basic. Most of your interactions will be through the left toolbar shown in the image below. The icons in this toolbar represent actions that you can perform in the main schematic drawing area. You can discover the name of each tool in the toolbar as a pop-up by loitering your cursor over the icon for a second or two. The 9 tools highlighted in the image below are used in today's lab - you will be introduced to others in the coming labs.

The toolbar above the schematic area, called the "top toolbar" is tool specific. In other words, selecting different tools in the left toolbar will change what is shown in the top toolbar. For example, try selecting the Move and then the Line tools from the left toolbar and notice how the top toolbar changes.

Add components to a schematic

You will now add the elements of your simple power supply. Before we start, I need to introduce you to the most used control in eagle, zooming. By rotating the mouse scroll wheel forward you zoom into the schematic at the point you are pointing at with the mouse. Rotating the mouse scroll wheel backwards you zoom out of the schematic. I never use the side scroll bars to move my view of the schematic; once you are familiar with the mouse scroll wheel technique you will be able to fly around the schematic gracefully.

In this section you will be adding elements to your schematic. The ADD pop-up window will be an important menu element during this process. There are several terms used in the following text that are defined in this image. Please review and reference as you go through the following steps.

Search Library Folder Name Description Value
*317* v-reg   LM317TS VOLTAGE REGULATOR  
*frame* frames   FRAME_A_L FRAME A Size, 8 1/2 x 11...  
*resistor* RCL R-US R-US_R1206 R1206 2.2kΩ, 1kΩ 68Ω
*capacitor* rcl CPOL-US CPOL-USB PANASONIC_B 10uF
*switch* Switch   TL32PO TINY SWITCH ON - MOM ON/OFF
*pot* pot EVU EVUF2A EVUF 20kΩ
*led* led LED LEDCHIPLED_1206 CHIPLED_1206 green
*gnd* supply1   GND SUPPLY SYMBOL  
<blank> supply1   V+ Supply Symbol  
<blank> supply1   VCC Supply Symbol  
*jack* con-jack JACK-PLUG JACK-PLUG0 SPC4077 PWR_JACK
*TLC274*linear TLC274 TLC274D SO14  
*LM334* linear LM*34 LM334Z TO92  
When completed, my arrangement of parts looks like:

Show op-amp power pins

To see the power supply, you need to invoke it. Do this:

Change part values

Connect parts with wires/nets

Now that you have your parts, it's time to connect them. In reality, I typically iterate between adding parts and connecting them into the circuit. Let's start: When complete, your schematic should look like the following. I did not show the frame in this image; we'll address this in a coming section.

Schematic Best Practices

A schematic is an objective representation of your design decisions and thoughts. Being a person who takes pride in their work, I try to make sure that my schematics are easy to read. An easy to read schematic makes it easier for the members of your engineering team to verify your design and ensure that your teams efforts will succeed. Here are a few things that you can do to improve the readability of your schematic.
  • When complete your schematic should look something like the following:

    Multi-device components

    When you add a device with several identical functional units, you may see the device represented as individual functional units. This capability comes with some special commands that we will now cover.

    Our power supply uses a quad operational amplifier. When the term "quad" is used to describe an operational amplifier, it means that there are four operational amplifiers inside the single integrated circuit package. EAGLE can treat each one of the four operation amplifiers like its own component on the schematic even through they all belong on a single integrated circuit. To see what I mean do the following: You should end up with something that looks like the following.

    Notice that the first four operational amplifiers that you placed all had names "IC1*" where * was A-D. The letter designates which operational amplifier on the chip (shown at right) is being used.

    Start by deleting all the additional op-amps that you just created. To see the power supply, you need to invoke it. Do this:

    Swapping op-amps

    Since all the op-amps in the TLC274D are the same, it does not matter which is associated with a particular function. In some cases it may make your layout much nicer if you could swap which op-amp on the chip is associated with a particular function. EAGLE CAD has a swap function which allows you to swap which of the four op-amps inside the chip is being used.

    Nameing nets

    Often there is a special function associated with a signal in your schematic that you would like others, who are reading your schematic, to understand. In this case, you will want to name the signal. A signal in EAGLE is called a net to elicit the idea of a network of wire. By "network" I mean a connected collection of wire, everywhere having the same potential. This network can have branches that go to different destinations. For example, in the image below, the region circled in purple is a single net that is connected to the switch, VIN, resistor R1, capacitor C4 and IC2 is a single net.

    The EAGLE CAD schematic capture software will always assign a name a name. If the net is connected to a supply signal (like VIN, VCC and GND), the net will be named with the supply name. Otherwise, EAGLE will name generate a generic name "N$<NET_NUMBER>" where NET_NUMBER is an integer value that is incremented everytime you create a new net.

    You can replace the name of a generic net using the Name tool (just to the left of the Value tool). To do this, select the Name tool, then click on the net you want to rename. In the Name pop-up, type in the name of the net and then click OK. The cursor will be replaced with the name of the net. Move the net name to where you want it placed (probablly adjacent to the net you are naming) and left click to place.

    There will be times when the net name is not being displayed displayed on schematic, but you would like to see it. In this case, you need to use the Label tool, just above the Value tool (it looks like a tag with the letters "AB" inside it). To show a net name, click on the Label tool then click on the net. The cursor will change to the net name, then position the name where you would like it shown on the schematic then left mouse click to place the name.

    Air wires

    There are times when drawing every wire on a schematic can lead to confusion on the part of someone reading the schematic due to all the crossing wires. While it may seem inevitable that there are going to be crossing wires, you can use air wires to eliminate the clutter. An air wire creates a physical connection between two wires by naming the wires with the same name. You have already done this several times in your schematic when you placed GND at several different locations - you didn't physically wire all those grounds to the same node, you just naturally assumed that they were connected to the same common ground.


    Often, in the process of drawing a schematic, you will add and subtract parts. This will often lead to gaps in same part names (R1, R2, R4 …) and same parts that are next to each other with a large difference in part names (part R3 being adjacent to part R17). While these may seem annotances, they can be considered defects in the schematic - parts that are near one another are typcailly logically related and, as a consequence, should have "nearby" part names. The EAGLE schematic capture software has a User Library Program that can renumber a schematic for you. To do this, follow this procedure.

    You are now well on your way to completing the assigned Lab work for this week. Chec back on the main lab page for specific deliverables. You may also want to check the Canvas page for the rubric used to evaluate your work.