Lab: 4

Oscilloscope Datapath and Control

You are going to create a simple but stand-along oscilloscope in this lab. You will use the AD7606 to acquire the data and the HDMI port to display the data. It will be a challenge but something to be proud of when complete.

Your oscilloscope will operate in two modes, FORCED and TRIGGERED. When complete, your output should look something like the following:


The signalAcquire Top Level consists of two modules, a datapath and a control. The user will control the signalAcquire module using two buttons as follows: For testing purposes you will be sending some of the signals to the LEDs so that you can probe them with an oscilloscope to measure the performance of your circuit. The following table lists the names of the signals out of the top-level signalAcquire entity and the LEDs they should be sent to.
LED signalAcquire PORT name
PL LED1 triggerCh1
PL LED2 triggerCh2
PL LED3 conversionPlusReadoutTime
PL LED4 sampleTimerRollover

Control Unit

The control unit is an variation of the one that you created in the previous lab. You will only be reading 2 of the 8 channels. The control unit waits for an event to start filling the memory. That event is either a forced trigger, via a button press, or for the input waveform to pass through the trigger voltage (on a positive edge). This behavior is encoded in the following state diagram.

The control word will start to get really long. I put together the following excel file to help me organize the bits and generate the VHDL code for the output process. controlWord.xlsx

In order to acquire samples from the AD7606 and fill up the BRAM, the control unit cycles around a loop starting at BEGIN_CONVERSION and ending in WAIT_FOR_END_OF_SAMPLE_INTERVAL. Clearly the time required to convert and read the AD7606 data must be shorter than the sampling interval. In order to check this you will add two special signals to the control word, conversionPlusReadoutTime and sampleTimerRollover.

These two signals will provide you with the AD7606 conversions duration (conversionPlusReadoutTime) and the sample interval duration (sampleTimerRollover). You will do this by sending these two signal out of the signalAcquire module to LEDs and then probing these LEDs with an oscilloscope. You will then look at the oscilloscope display and measure these intervals. In order to get accurate measurements, you should hold the conversionPlusReadoutTime high in BEGIN_CONVERSION through READ_CH2_HIGH and then drop the signal low in WAIT_FOR_END_OF_SAMPLE_INTERVAL. To get the most accurate value for sampleTimerRollover, keep it low in every state except BEGIN_CONVERSION.

The SAMPLING_RATE_SELECT multiplexer was included in the control word to allow the option of increasing or decreaseing the sampling rate. For this lab we will not utilize this capability and instead set it to "00" (highest rate) in all of the states.


The datapath contains all the modules that you developed in labs 1 and 2. In addition, you will need: The complete datapath diagram is shown below.

The video_clk module

You will need to generate an IP core for this module usin the instructions in the "howTo 05 Instantiate Clock and HDMI IP" document posted on the main web page.

The hdmi_tx_0 module

You will need to generate an IP core for this module using the instructions in the "howTo 05 Instantiate Clock and HDMI IP" document posted on the main web page. Do not use the Clocking Wizard instctions on the Real Digital web page.


Start your instantiation of the BRAMs by clicking on the IP Catalog link in the project manager sub-window. Enter BRAM in the search text box. Double click on the Block Memory Generator selection. Then use the configuration given in the following images to create the BRAM. Note, PORTA depth needs to be large enough to accommodate the width of the active region of your display. My display was 1000 pixels wide, so I gave the BRAMs 1024 storage locations. Yup that was 24 more than needed for no good reason. This gave me a 10-bit address for the BRAM. Some of your oscilloscopes have more than 1024 pixels in the active display region, so will have 11-bit addresses for the BRAM. Plen accordingly.
TAB Configuration



In order to verify that the forced and triggered modes of your oscilloscope work you will perform two separate simulations; one in forced mode and one in trigger mode. To do this you will need to modify that testbench by including or commenting out the following line of code in the acquireToHDMI_tb.vhd file:

Now that you have your files setup to run the simulation properly, you will want to setup your waveforms. In order to accommodate the more than 60 signals, you will use signal groups. A signal group is a related set of signals under a collapsible header that is opened/closed when you click on the ">" icon next to the group name.
Mode Time Screen Shot Folder Key Signals
Forced 500ns Counters Long Counter, Forced Mode, State
Forced 700us Video HS, VS, and DE
Forced 1.311ms Counters, AD7606 State, Short Counter, AN7606 Reset, AN7606 convst
Forced 1.340ms AD7606, BRAM AN7606 Read, AN7606 busy, Write addr, RAM[0..3]
Forced 2.9ms Video v_cnt, R, G, B
Forced 7.36ms BRAM write address, state
Trigger 500ns Counters Long Counter, Trigger Mode, State
Trigger 1.311ms Counter, AD7606 State (CLEAR_STORE_FLAG_STATE)
Trigger 1.413ms Top Level, Status Status(STORE_INTO_BRAMi) State (SET_STORE_FLAG_STATE)
Trigger 7.455ms BRAM, Status Write Counter, Status(MEM_FULL)


You will need to complete the XDC file provided the the codes section. You should be able to get most of the pin assignments from your previous labs. Consult the AX7010 technical documents for any other pin assignments you might need.

The daughter boards allow you to connect a stereo signal, a function generator or use the POTs as the input voltage source. Use the 3-position slide switch to determine the source. You can use Husker Scope to generate the waveforms shown in the photograph shown at the top of this lab. Since the ADC is calibrated for a range of ± 5V, make sure that, if you are using a function generator, your waveform is limited to ± 5V.

If you re experiencing a lot of noise on your digitized waveform and false triggering, the source may very well be the sub-par power supplies. I've procured a few high quality AC/DC supplies that I can lend out. Please do NOT supply this board with anything higher than 5V. Current needs to be at least 2Amps with 4-8Amps being the much better option.