Lecture 32
Code enhancedPwm.vhd
Class Objectives Have a firm understanding of the AXI interface that is used to allow the Zynq to communicate with your intellectual property (IP).


The Zynq 7010 chip is separated into 2 halves, a processing system and a programmable logic section. Up to this point, we have been working exclusively with the programmable logic section through Vivado. It's now time to turn our attention to the processing system.
The processing system contains a pair of ARM Cortex-A9 CPUs. Some important facts about the Arm-A9: One special feature that we will focus on is that the Arm-A9 can communicate with the programmable logic through the AXI interface.

The AXI interface provides you with a memory mapped interface to any signal that you provide as part of your IP entity description. This means, for example, that you could set the oscilloscope trigger voltage by writing a 16-bit 2's complement value to address 0x43C00000. You could read ch1Data16bitSLV by reading from address 0x43C00004. While doing this you can still send signals directly from oscilloscope outside the chip. For example, the HDMI signals do not need to go through the AXI interface to reach the correct Zynq pins.
The AXI interface will consume a lot of our attention when converting out IP into a form that can interface with the Arm A9.

Enhanced PWM module

In order to motivate our discussion of the AXI interface and how we can use it to communicate with IP, we will build an AXI interface to the enhancedPwm module.

The enhancedPwm module is virtually identical to that you built back in the first lab. I included a rollOver
entity enhancedPwm is
    PORT ( clk : in  STD_LOGIC;
           resetn : in  STD_LOGIC;
           enb: in STD_LOGIC;
           dutyCycle: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(8 downto 0);
           pwmCount: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
           rollOver: out STD_LOGIC;
           pwmSignal: out STD_LOGIC);		   
end enhancedPwm;
The addition of the rollOver just signals when the internal counter rolls over from 256 to 0 by pulsing high. You can see the behavior in this timing diagram. Yes, the rollOver signal is an external version of the counterEqualPeriod status signal.

Interfacing your IP with the AXI interface

Each of the signals on the entity interface for the enhancedPwm has the following direction and destination.
Signal Direction Destination Note
clk input S_AXI_ACLK The S_AXI_ACLK signal is part of the default AXI interface
resetn input S_AXI_ARESETN The S_AXI_ACLK signal is part of the default AXI interface
enb input PLKEY4 Programmable logic can only conncet the the "PL" keys, never the "PS" keys.
dutyCycle input Arm memory at address 0x43C00000 This will allow you to write the dutyCycle in your code
pwmCount output Arm memory at address 0x43C00004 This will allow you to read the pwmCount in your code
rollOver output Arm Interrupt We can have an ISR that runs every time the counter rolls over from 256 to 0
pwmSignal output J11 header pin 3 You could connect this header pin to a LPF and have a rough DAC.
Let's look at how this will be accomplished. In Viado you will use the Create and Package New IP wizard to describe: The wizard will create two files The files are arranged as follows.

To make this happen you will have to edit the enhancedPwm_ip_v_0.vhd and enhancedPwm_ip_v_0_S00_AXI.vhd files. The instructions are given in one of the "How To" documents.

Block diagram

When you complete wrapping your IP in the AXI interface, your IP will be available as an IP block like that shown in the following diagram.

You will then connect your IP block to the Arm-A9 using the block diagram tool.

A few details remain like connecting the enb_ext_0 and pwmSignal_ext_0 signals to Zynq pins using an XDC file. After this, you will synthesize the design and generate a bitstream. The result will be a file that you can import into Vitis where you can program the Arm-A9.