EENG 383

Lab 15 - Accelerometers

Lab: 15
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InLab 15

Some self guided activities.

Lab 15 assignment

Your task is to use the software provided to you in this lab to perform two experiments; one from the list below and one of your creation.

Defined Experiments

Your Experiment

Design an experiment which


You may work with a single partner (or alone) to complete this lab. You will turn in a 3-page document that contains the following on each page. You should plan on attending lab in person so that you can answer any questions about your custom experiment, or demonstrate it.
Page 1
Include a title page that contains the following:
Final project for EENG 383
    Jane Engineer	
     Joe Student

Page 2
Your defined experiment. This should be 1 page and include: Page 3
Your choose-your-own experiment. This should be 1 page and include: