EENG 393
Lab 9 - uSupply Review
InLab 9
Some self-guided
Paper prototype
Print-out the layout of your board using the following setup.
- Select the layer tool,
- Click "Select None",
- Select the following layers
Layer # | Name
1 | Top
17 | Pads
18 | Vias
20 | Dimension
21 | tPlace
25 | tNames
27 | tValues
51 | tDocu
- File → Print,
- In the Print pop-up, make sure that Scale factor = 1,
- Click OK to print,
- Cut around the outline of the paper PCB,
- Cut a piece of cardboard a little larger than the paper
PCB outline,
- Glue the paper PCB to the cardbard,
- Press thru-hole components through their footprints,
- Align any hand SMT devices to their footprint.
Lab 9 assignment
Get your layout ready for fabrication:
- Review and incorperate the feedback left for your design.
- Perform a net-by-net review of your board using the instructions
provided in the inLab.
- Upload your revised sch and brd files into a "version 2" folder
on your Google drive folder.
- Bring your paper prototype to class for review at the beginning
of class.