Lecture 11
Class Objectives Understand how to build the VHDL code and configure the XDC file to run the vgaToHdmiConverter.

Lab 02

For lab #2 you will use the Vivado tools to write the VHDL code for an vgaToHdmiConverter component. You will simulate the code and then synthesize it. We will use this component later to display data captured by a high speed ADC.


The vgaToHdmiConverter display a static image on thje



The design of Lab 1 is broken down into separate modules, some of which are provided for you and some which you will need to create. The interconnection of the modules is illustrated in the following schematic. When a signal name appears just inside a box, that should should correspond to the name of that signal in the entity description.


Text describing I/O and behavior.


Text describing I/O and behavior.


Text describing I/O and behavior.


Text describing I/O and behavior.

XDC file

Text describing entity to pins mapping.